Putting God to the Test

"Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need." – Malachi 3:10  
God makes an extraordinary invitation in Malachi 3:10: He invites us to test Him. This isn’t something you’ll find often in Scripture, God challenging us to put Him to the test, but when it comes to our finances, God offers us the opportunity to see firsthand just how trustworthy He really is.  

In this verse, God is speaking to the Israelites, encouraging them to bring their full tithe into His house, to give with faith and obedience. But He doesn’t stop there. He tells them to test Him, if they honor Him with their finances, He will open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings. God is making a bold promise: trust Me with your resources, and I will prove to you that I can be trusted to provide for all your needs.  
So often, we struggle to let go of control over our finances. We’re fearful that we won’t have enough if we give, or that we can’t afford to be generous. But God isn’t asking us to give blindly or recklessly, He’s asking us to trust Him. When we put Him to the test by faithfully giving, we are acknowledging that our trust is in His ability to provide, not our own efforts or resources.  

And here’s the thing: God ALWAYS comes through. He has never failed anyone who has trusted Him with their finances. This doesn’t mean that He will make you rich or give you everything you want, but it does mean He will meet your needs and bless you in ways that go beyond what you can see or imagine. Sometimes those blessings are financial, but other times, they may come in the form of peace, provision, or unexpected opportunities.  
When you step out in faith and put God to the test, you are taking a bold step toward trusting Him more fully. You are demonstrating that you believe He is a provider, that you believe He is worthy of your obedience, and that you believe He will always come through.  
If you’ve been hesitant to trust God with your finances, take Him at His word. Step out in faith, bring your tithe to the storehouse, and see for yourself how God will bless and provide for you. When you put God to the test, He will never fail you.
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