The Gift of Choice

"If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land." – Isaiah 1:19  
One of the most incredible gifts God has given you is the ability to choose. He didn’t create you as a robot programmed to follow His will without question. Instead, He gave you the ability to reason, to weigh decisions, and to determine your own path. This gift of free will is a reflection of His love. He wants you to choose Him, not out of obligation, but because you trust Him and desire to follow His ways.  

But with choice comes responsibility. Every decision you make has consequences, and the direction of your life is determined by what you do with this freedom. When faced with right and wrong, the easy and the hard, or God’s way versus your own, the choices you make will shape your character, your relationships, and your future. God doesn’t force you to choose His will, but He makes it clear that blessings follow obedience.  
When you choose God’s ways, even when it’s difficult or unpopular, He promises to bless you. It may not always look like worldly success or comfort, but it will bring peace and fulfillment that only comes from walking in step with Him. Choosing what’s right isn’t always easy, it often requires sacrifice, humility, or courage. But the rewards far outweigh the cost.  

On the other hand, ignoring God’s voice or choosing the wrong path may feel freeing in the moment, but it leads to emptiness, regret, and consequences that ripple through your life. God, in His love, allows you to experience the results of your choices, not to punish you, but to guide you back to Him.  
How are you using your gift of free will? Are your choices reflecting a heart surrendered to God? Are you aligning your decisions with His Word, even in the small, everyday moments? Remember, the ability to choose is a gift, and what you do with it matters. God doesn’t just want your obedience, He desires your heart. When you trust Him enough to choose His ways, you’ll discover a life marked by His blessings and His presence.
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1 Comment

Cory Elder - December 2nd, 2024 at 6:20am

Again, thank you for sharing the word Ed. It really is a lamp to my feet. Sometimes I can get confused because of the abundance of His grace or if I struggle to hear His voice. I just keep praying and reading. I try to do His will the best I know how. If I am really honest sometimes there is also something inside of me that distorts my thinking when His will gets in the way of mine. I may say things like “I don’t know” when I do. I try to keep it real simple with the basics and rely on the Holy Spirit for help surrendering the best I can because without His help I have proven to myself time and time again I either can’t do His will or even worse I won’t. Thankful I have a God sooo big that He can work with someone like me.

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