Faith and Finances

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." – Matthew 6:21 
Faith is about trust—trusting God with our lives, our decisions, and even our future. It’s easy to trust Him with the big things, but one area where faith can be hard to surrender is our finances.  

Our wallets are often one of the last things we’re willing to hand over to God. But the truth is, placing our trust in God includes giving Him control over our money because where we place our treasure reveals where our heart truly lies.  
God doesn’t need your money. Let that sink in for a moment. God is the Creator of everything, and He doesn’t depend on your giving to fulfill His purposes. But He does desire your heart, and one of the clearest ways to demonstrate where your heart is at is by how you handle the resources He has entrusted to you. Showing faith in God often requires us to put our finances in His hands and trust that He will provide for us, even when it doesn’t make sense.  

When you commit your finances to God, you’re showing that you believe He can do more with what you give than you can do on your own. Whether it’s giving to your church, to those in need, or investing in the work of His kingdom, when you choose to give with a heart full of faith, you are actively participating in God’s work on earth. Your act of giving becomes an act of trust, trusting that God will use your resources for His good and that He will provide for your needs in return.  
Giving doesn’t just bless others, it blesses you. It deepens your dependence on God, reminds you that He is your ultimate provider, and allows you to experience the joy of being a part of something bigger than yourself. When you allow God to work through your finances, you are building a legacy that lasts beyond your lifetime, and you’re reinforcing your trust that God will always meet your needs.  

Take a moment to evaluate where your treasure is. Are you trusting God with your finances, or are you holding onto them for security? When you place your finances in God’s hands, you are saying, "I trust You with all that I am, including my wallet." And that, more than anything, is an act of faith that honors Him.
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1 Comment

Cory Elder - December 14th, 2024 at 7:14am

Since I started giving 10% of everything I make as a goal I didn’t get it right. I did try though and I learned some things. When I gave the first of my fruits and I gave it in its entirety something cool happened. No lottery winnings or anything but for some reason the fear of not having enough money left me. When it wasn’t the first thing i did with it or I didn’t quite give 10% that didn’t happen. Also when I gave being generous to the poor I had a similar effect but I quickly learned that most homeless people also want to be friends. It seemed more important than the money. I really appreciate you being apart of my journey with these readings and our church services. It’s helped me stay on track and learn more about what these things actually mean and apply to in every day life. Money is one of the easiest ways to practice faith because once it’s gone that’s it. It’s a done deal. With a lot of other stuff it’s easy to waver to and fro in fear.

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