Our House/Blueprint Matthew 16:13 Precious possessions State of the Union/We are the church
Lost that Loving Feeling Revelation 2:1-7 Seven Signs/Churches Seven Churches/Church of Ephesus
Faith in the Fire Revelation 2:8-11 Joy/Power/Peace/Promise Three reasons to retain Joy when you don't feel like rejoicing
The Dangers of Deception Revelation 2:12-17 Authority of the Word/Affirmation/World To recognize the authority of the Word
The Long of the Short of it Revelation 2:18-29 Guiding Faith/Gracious Faith
The Walking Dead Revelation 3:1-6 Fullness of the Spirit/Church When you pride yourself in the past, you presume upon the future, while passing over today.
Small, but Mighty Revelation 3:7-13 Advantages/Opportunity/Advancement The Holiness of God
Lukewarm and Loving it Revelation 3:14-22 Church/Laodicea/Intercession Self-satisfied in our own resources or in Christ?
Seeing is Believing John 20:24-29 Doubt/Thomas/Skepticism To doubt is to believing when seeing, to be a skeptic is see and still not believe.
This Crucial Moment Mark 10:46-52 Bartimaeus/Faith/Miracle
An Attitude of Gratitude Luke 17:11 Turn Back/Leprosy Religion would reject him but Jesus accepts him.
House to House Mark 2:1-12 Bringing people to Jesus/Four Friends/Faith/Paralytic Be a part of the process of bringing people to Jesus.
Needles, Camels and a rich young ruler! Matthew 19:16-30 Rich young ruler/Peter Where your treasure is there your heart will be also.
A Message for Mom Luke 1:30-38 Mary/Spirit of Mom/Mother's Day Mary teaches Jesus was/is who He said He was/is.
Go for Glory Isaiah 6:1-8, Isaiah/Worship/Grace Wired to worship
Get out of Your Boat Matthew 14:22-33 Extreme Faith/Disciples/Walking on water/Storm/Boat Where God is calling you is where logic and location don't make sense.
He's with Me Luke 22:39-43 Memorial Day/Sacrifice/Thief on the Cross/Salvation
Call of Duty Genesis 35:1-10 Father's Day/Jacob Never to late to go back to Bethel/ House of God/ God of 2nd chances
Dare to Dream Again Genesis 37:1-11 Joseph/Purpose/Dream/Faith Destiny of Purpose/ Dare to dream again
Boulevard of Broken Dreams Genesis 37:12-36 Pit of prison/Pit of purpose Don't you quit in the Pit
Secret to Success Genesis 39:1-6 Joseph/Success
Untouchable Genesis 39:7-20 Joseph/Potiphar's Wife/Temptation/Obedience/Law of the Triangle Obedience is costly but rewarding
The Waiting Room Genesis Patience/
The Examination of Elevation Genesis 41:37 Pride/Platform/Influence Walking in Humility
Not another Day Genesis 45:1-5 Forgiveness/Regret Forgiveness is choosing not to live in Regret.
Dry Bones Speaking Genesis 50:22-26 Dash/Measure of Man/Rope Joseph and Jesus comparisons
The Making of a Marriage Genesis 2:18-25 Marriage/Adam Marriage is God's fullest expression of His covenant love
Throw in the Towel Genesis 3:1-15 Intimacy/Marriage/Intimacy Invaders Marriage is a lifelong pursuit of intimacy.
Sacred Singleness 1 Corinthians 7:1-9, 32-25 Singleness Embrace the Kingdom at all costs.
Manhood in Marriage Ephesians 5:25-31 Manhood in Marriage/Husband/Leader/Provider Three commands for understanding Biblical Manhood in Marriage
Wonder Woman Ephesians 5:22-24, 1 Peter 3:1-6, Titus 2:3-5, Proverbs 13:10-12 Woman/Submissive/Valued Jesus gives prominence to Women
The Bow and Arrow Ephesians 6:1-4 Parenting/Discipline/Discipleship Four principles that set the trajectory of parenting
The Talk of all Talks Song of Solomon 1, 4, 7, 8 Sexuality/Sex/Love Purity of sex in light of the glory of God
A Missing Person Report John 14:12-17 Holy Spirit/Trinity Holy Spirit is a Person
Seasonal Comforter John 14:12-17 Trinity/Helper/Holy Spirit Holy Spirit has Purpose
Sealed Shut John 14:16-17 Holy Spirit/Seal of Salvation/Salvation Holy Spirit is a Promise
Talk to Me John 14:16-17 Holy Spirit/Spirit of Truth Holy Spirit is Pure/Recognizing and Responding to His voice.
Fruit of the Bloom John 14:16-17, Psalm 1, John 15 Holy Spirit/Fruit of the Spirit Holy Spirit is Personal
Gift of Gifts John 14:16-17, Romans 12:6-8, I Corinthians 12:4-10, 14:1, Ephesians 4:11 Holy Spirit/Spiritual Gifts Holy Spirit is Power; He is to be Revealed in Glory
Heart of the House/Radical Generosity John 14:16-17, Acts 2:42-47 Holy Spirit's Presence/Church Holy Spirit is to be Released in Generosity
Hope is Here Luke 1:26-38 Advent/Wreath/Hope/Christmas Impossible becomes Possible through anyone daring to Hope again.
The Greatest Love Story Ever Luke 2:1-7, Ephesians 3:17-19 Advent/God's Love/Christmas Depth and Dimension of God's great love.
The Juxtaposition of Joy Luke 2:8-21 Advent/Joy/Savior/Shepherds/Salvation/Christmas Joy remains unmovable when all of life seems unstable.
I Lost You Luke 2:22-35 Advent/Peace/Christmas Possess peace when losing patience.
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Matthew 2:1-12 Advent/Promise/Wise Men/Bethlehem/Star/Gold/Frankincense/Myrrh/Christmas God wants to be found by you.
His House, Our House John 2:17, Mark 2:1-12 Mission/Vision/Hold the Rope CBC Mission, Vision, Scope and Sequence
Not so Fast 2 Chronicles 20:1-23 The enemy/Fasting/Prayer What do you do when you don't know what to do?
No Other Name Matthew 6:7-9 Lord's Prayer/Model Prayer/Prayer Prayer is a rhythm, pattern and flow of life.
Ever Present Kingdom Matthew 6:10 Lord's Prayer/Model Prayer/Triangle/Kingdom Allow the Kingdom of God to break in creating BREAKOUT.
Taste and See Matthew 6:10, John 6:19-21 Lord's Prayer/Model Prayer/Prayer/God's Provision We need His provision to sustain us.
Come to the Cross Matthew 6:13 Lord's Prayer/Model Prayer/Prayer/Forgiveness/Sin Embrace and model forgiveness.
The Fight Matthew 6:13, 1 Corinthians 10:13 Lord's Prayer/Model Prayer/Temptation Desires of the flesh vs the delight of the Spirit
Don't Forget Matthew 6:13, 2 Corinthians 1:20 Lord's Prayer/Model Prayer/Doxology Doxology of the Lord's Prayer
A Persistent Prayer Matthew 6:9-13 Lord's Prayer/Model Prayer Hope (up), Help (in), Hand (out)
Get with the Good Shepherd Psalm 23
Who I Am Exodus 2:14-15, Exodus 3:1-21, Exodus 4:1-17 Pain/Patience/Promise Embracing your identity
Bakers Dozen John 6 Feeding of the 5000/Miracle/Manna Jesus is the Bread of Life.
Lite - Bright John 8:1-12 Light of the world/Feast of Tabernacles, Law vs Grace Jesus is the Light of the World
Open Door Policy John 10:7-10, Ezekiel 34:11-17 Good Shepherd/Door Jesus as the Door reveals the quality of eternal life.
Counting Sheep John 10:11-15, Psalm 23 Good Shepherd/Sheep/Shepherd/Door Jesus is the Good Shepherd
Undeafted John 11:25-27 Resurrection/Lazarus/Empty Tomb/Easter Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life
One Way John 14:1-6 Trouble/Comfort/Covenant/Salvation Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life
The Vineyard of Victory John 15:1-7 Vine/Vinedresser/Fruit/Discipline/Pruning Jesus is the Vine
How to Get God's Blessing in your Home 2 Samuel 6:1-15
The Heart of Heritage 2 Timothy 1:5-7, Acts 16:2 Legacy/Faith Recognizing and Maximizing your influence
The Enriched Life, Part 1 2 Corinthians 9:6-9, 2 Corinthians 8:7-9 Generosity/Faith/Giving Giving is not something we do but something we are
Pay it Forward John 13:1-15 Jesus' Humanity/Jesus' Humility/Forgiveness Will your life be an investment in others?
Gaining while Losing Luke 12:13-21, Luke 12:31-34 Covetousness/Contentment/Greed What do you cherish, choose and chase?
Treasure Principle Malachi 3:6-12 Legacy/Heritage/Generosity Leave a legacy not just by leaving behind an inheritance, but a heritage.
3rd Watch Matthew 25:14-30 Investment/Parable of the Talents Jesus thinks you are worth investing in.
Radical 90 Giving Challenge Tithing
King of Hearts 1 Samuel 16:1-13, 1 Samuel 16: 18, 1 Samuel 13:14 David/Leadership Never compare yourself, be yourself because someone believes in you.
The Sling and a Stone 1 Samuel 17 David/Goliath/Promises/Giants The battle is the Lord's.
BFF 1 Samuel 18:1-5 David/Jonathon/Friendship Jesus the true friend leveraged everything for us.
Beyond Blue 1 Samuel 22:1-2, Psalm 142, Psalm 42, Psalm 43 David/Depression/Confession Jesus is familiar with the darkness of the cave.
Test of Thrones 1 Samuel 24, Genesis 50:20, Romans 8:28 David/Leadership/Revenge God will never waste your pain.
Six Steps 2 Samuel 6:12
The Testimony of the Table 2 Samuel 9:1-13 David/Jonathon/Grace/Friendship/Mephibosheth At the table of grace, equality is found for all.
The Look that Kills 2 Samuel 11 David/Bathsheba/Leadership/Sin/Uriah Where sin abides, grace always abounds.
Four, three letter words 2 Samuel 12 David/Nathan/Confession/Conviction/Compassion "You are the man"/God's love is relentless.
Brent Crowe Luke 23:39 Cross/Seven statements Seven statements from the Cross
Fully Known John 21:1-19 Jesus/Simon/sin Jesus knew you fully and died for our sin fully so that you are fully loved.
Divinely Engineered Psalm 139 Jesus/Omniscience/Omnipresence/Omnipotence/God Gene Since you are made in His image, embrace that He made no one like you.
Critically Crucial 1 Kings 19:1-19 Criticism/Elijah/Jezebel Accept/give compliments and criticism graciously.
Jumping to Joy Acts 16:25-34 Joy/Miracles/Songs/Hymns/Forgiveness/Salvation To embrace joy is to embrace Jesus.
Enriched in Exile Zephaniah 3:17 Favor/Yahweh/Joy/Peace We are exiles in this world, but we walk in His worth.
Soul Stretch Genesis 22:1-14 Faith/Abraham/Obedience/Isaac/Provision In the midst of seeking information, there is a God who wants to give you revelation.
In It to WIN It Philippians 1:1-22, 1 Peter 3:15 Gospel/Remembrance/Unity Be a part of something bigger. Fight for Unity.
Life-Verse Philippians 1:21 Motivation/Significance A life verse is more than a "favorite", it is foundational.
Humble Pie Philippians 2:1-11, Matthew 23:12, 1 Peter 5:6 Humility Unity is born out of humility.
Rules of Engagement Philippians 2:12-18 Work/Rest/Fear/Salvation God has done the work for your salvation.
Never a Boring Testimony Philippians 3:4-14 Testimony/Paul/Jesus/Past You can't change the mark of the past, but Jesus can change the meaning of the past.
Tripping on Tryptophan Philippians 4:1-9 Thanksgiving/Thankfulness/Gratitude/Prayer Prayer" ACTS-Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication
Hungry for More, Satisfied with Less Philippians 4:11-13, Philippians 4:19 Contentment Contentment cannot be found outside of Christ.
Non-Negotiable Luke 1:26-27, Luke 1:34 Virgin birth/Mary/Jesus/Prophecy The doctrine of the Virgin Birth demonstrates Jesus' love for you. Immanuel God with us.
The Big Reveal Luke 1:38-44, John 1:29 Mary/Elizabeth/John the Baptist/Jesus Jesus accomplished what He accounced He would do, so affirm and accept Him.
The Mirror of Magnificat Luke 1:46-55 Mary/Names of God/God's faithfulness/Grace Am I moved by the gift of Jesus?
Year in Review 2017 Statistics
To be Continued….. Acts 2:42-47, 2 Corinthians 13:14 Community/ Service Make Jesus known and make disciples.
Water Cooler Conversation Part I John 4:1-15 Samaritan Woman/Woman at the Well/Women/Race/Fasting Give up something good for something better
Water Cooler Conversation Part II John 4:16-26 Woman at the Well/Relationship/Religion/Worship Worship is a lifestyle that engages the heart, mind, will and emotion.
Water Cooler Conversation Part III John 4:27-43 Harvest/Bold/Woman at the Well/Testimony See people as a divine appointment to share Jesus.
The Difference Maker John 1:10-14 Blessing/Breakthrough/Salvation We want others to know the person that changed us.
Breakthrough Weekend John 20:30-31, John 21:1-25 Breakthroughs/Message/Miracles/Simon Peter Create margin, clear message, curate moments, celebrate miracles.
Unresolved Luke 23:34, Isaiah 53:12 Forgiveness/Relationships/Cross Father, forgive them for they know not that they do.
Tale of Two Thieves (Drew Worsham) Luke 23:39-43 Promise/Intimacy/Cross When we surrender everything, we are able to receive everything.
Heaven, Yes Luke 23:43 Paradise/Heaven/Cross Today you will be with me in paradise.
Heaven, Yes Part 2 Luke 23:43 Paradise/Heaven/Cross Today you will be with me in paradise.
Midnight at Mid-day Matthew 27:45-47 Despair/Jesus/Cross My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Thirst-Quencher John 19:28-29 Prophecy/Jesus' Humanity/Thirst/Cross Jesus is your never ending supply.
It Aint Over - Easter John 19:30 Finished/It is Finished/Cross/Easter "It is finished" but your story isn't over.
Counter-Cultural 1 Corinthians 9:20-23 Culture/Mission/Paul Do you have a life worth imitating?
MVP (Makes Value Possible) 1 Peter 2:17, 2 Corinthians 8:21 Honor Esteem people as being created in the image of God.
The Greatest 1 Peter 5:5-6 Humility Humility is a virtue designed to give, not gain.
Whatever Colossians 3:22-25, 1 Corinthians 10:31 Hustle Working is an act of worship. Work from rest, not just rest from work.
Radical Hospitality (Scott Kindig) Hebrews 13:1-2 Hospitality Not what you have, but what you offer.
High 5 (Stephanie Newton) Mark 14:3-9 High Capacity/Mother's Day Choose to exceed expectations.
Destination Sticker 1 Corinthians 9:22-27 Winsome Recap: Win some to Jesus through Irresistible Influence
Dry Ground Joshua 3:17-4:7, Joshua 21-24 Joshua/Memorial Day/Memorials A public commitment begins with a private conviction!
Come Home Ruth 1, Judges 2:11 Ruth/Naomi/Regrets/Covenant It is never too late to come back home to what you know to be true.
Not a Chance Ruth 2 Ruth/Boaz/Grace God is a detailed, not distant, God who is working for your good and His glory.
Failure to Launch Ruth 1, Ruth 2 Name/ Elimelech/ Biblical Manhood/ Father's Day Reject passivity, accept responsibility, and lead courageously.
Sleepless and Single Ruth 3 Ruth/Boaz/Security Find rest in the promises of God.
Paid in Full Ruth 4 Ruth/Boaz/Redemption Jesus is the ultimate kinsman redeemer.
Freedom Weekend Galatians 5:1 Freedom What's your freedom story and who needs to hear it?
Why Not You Judges 6:11-24 Gideon/Significance See yourself as God sees you.
The Checklist Judges 6:25-35 Gideon/Baal/Obedience Our identity is "in Christ" and our relationship with God should reflect that.
To Fleece or not to Fleece Judges 6:36-40 Gideon/Fleece Trusting God versus testing God.
Keeping it 300 (Drew Worsham) Judges 7 Gideon/Strength/Weakness God desires that we become wholly and fully dependent on Him alone.
Lion Heart Daniel 6:1-28 Daniel/Lion's Den/Prayer An open Tomb leads to an Open Window.
Living in "Limb"o Luke 19:1-10 Zacchaeus/Salvation Compassion leads to repentence.
Do you see me now? Luke 10:25-37 Homeless/Stranger/Good Samaritan Jesus realigns how we see and serve all people.
Outside the Box Genesis 6-8 Noah's Ark/Faith/Covenant Noah's Ark is not just a boat that floats, but a hope that boasts.
The Lesson in the Lunchable Matthew 14:13-21,Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17, John 6:1-15 Feeding the 5000/ Miracle/Provision What do you have to offer? More than you think.
Faith over Fear Matthew 14:22-33 Storm/Peter/Walking on Water/Fear Your firm foundation is not outside the storm, but within in.
Invisible, but Invincible Esther 1-10 Esther/God's Provision/Favor/ Deliverance The thumbprint of God is evident in Esther's (and your) story.
A Whale of a Journey Jonah 1-4 Whale/Jonah/Obedience The God of second chances turns our mistakes into miracles.
Empty Handed Luke 15:11-19 Prodigal Son He calls you by name. Come home!
Royal Reception Luke 15:20-24 Prodigal Son/Home/Father There is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.
Missing Out Luke 15:25-32 Prodigal Son/Brother Externally compliant but internally defiant.
Cosmic Clash Ephesians 6:12 Battle/Enemy/Fear We do not live in fear, but are called to stand firm.
Forbidden Fruit Ephesians 6:11 Armor/Enemy/Eve/Ambition/ Appetite/Approval Satan is defeated and sin is forgiven.
Tried and True Ephesians 6:10, Matthew 4:1-11 Temptation/Ambition/Appetite /Approval God does not promise to deliver us from spiritual warfare, but THROUGH Spiritual Warfare.
Buckle Up Ephesians 6:14 Belt of Truth/Belt The safeguard in spiritual warfare begins with the belt of truth.
Abs of Steel (Drew Worsham) Ephesians 6:10-14 Breastplace of Righteousness/ Righteousness Help me to believe what you believe about me.
No Shoes No Service Ephesians 6:15 Shoes/Peace/Gospel You are called to be a person of peace.
Fireproof Ephesians 6:16 Shield/Provision/Enemy/Security Faith rightly applied by truth is a shield of protection, because it was first a door of salvation.
Helmet of Hope Ephesians 6:17 Helmet/Confidence/Assurance/ Salvation Salvation is not just an event, it is a process.
Celebrating 2018 The Year of Favor Recap Armor/Live Ready Live Ready
A Chosen Voice 1 Kings 19:9-13 God Speaks God still speaks to his people through his Word today, allowing us to individually apply it to our lives.
The Competing Voice John 10:3-5, 16 Jesus as Sheherd Because Jesus is the Shepherd and we are his sheep, it is possible for us to recognize and respond to Jesus' voice.
A Commanding Voice 2 Timothy 3:16 Scripture is Revealed As God speaks through his Word, we can trust that it is reliable and relevant.
The Constant Voice Revelation 3:6 Holy Spirit/Multidimensional The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to practically live out what Jesus says to us.
A Clarifying Voice Exodus 3:1-12 Kairos Moment God speaks through his Spirit, verifies with his Word, and confirms through his people and circumstances.
The Comforting Voice Psalm 71:14 No Pain, No Gain God uses our pain to transform us and bring glory to him through us.
A Corporate Voice Hebrews 10:22-25 Speed Bump God not only speaks to the individual believer, but to the body of believers collectively, as well.
Special CBC Message
Special CBC Message Psalm 23:1-3
Faith bigger than Fear Psalm 23:3-4 Gift of Righteousness/Direction God is at work in the details, even when we are unable to see it.
I Lack Nothing Psalm 23:5-6 God always protects and provides.
Unknown Church - Antioch Effect Acts 11:19-26, Acts 13:1-3 We are the Church We don't attend a church, we are the Church.
Unknown Friends Mark 2:1-12 Grace/Hope/Healing We are called to receive grace, as well as give grace to others.
Unknown Sin Psalm 51:10-12, 1 John 1:9, Psalm 139:23-24 Fully Loved/Fully Known God forgives sin when we confess it to him.
Unknown Condition Mark 5:22-34 Garment In dire circumstances, God can use even the smallest amount of faith to produce praise.
Unknown Interruption Mark 5:35-43 Interruption /Intervention Unknown interruptions are not always inconveniences, but interventions.
Unknown (g)od Acts 17:16-31 Describe/Display How we define and describe God determines how we display him in our life.
Unknown Eternity John 3:3-16 Heaven/Hell/Seventy years Based on Jesus' teachings, we can know what happens to us when we die if we trust in him.
Unknown Mom Proverbs 31:1-9 Inspiration/Intimidation Proverbs 31 is not meant to heap up expectations, but to produce exaltation.
Unknown Day Revelation 22:20 Return Live ready for his return.
Unknown Stone 1 Samuel 7:1-13 Stone/Rocks/Repurpose We are known but to God.
A Defining DNA Acts 4:1-22 DNA Every believer and church has 3 DNA markers.
I Saw the Sign Luke 1:6-23 John the Baptist God is personal, perfect, and precise.
A Father's Heart Malachi 4:6 Lens The way we perceive God affects how we perceive ourselves.
Audience of One Matthew 3:1-12 Example/Impact Seek engagement/impact over entertainment.
Now, Introducing Jesus John 1:29, Matthew 3:13-17 Embrace/Engage Seize the moment.
You Belong Here Luke 3:21-22, Matthew 3:15-17, Mark 1:9-11 Declare/Delight God sees us the same way he sees Jesus.
Be*Loved (You Belong Here Part 2) Luke 3:22, Matthew 3:17 Belong Performance does not determine place with God.
Meekness is not a Weakness John 3:26-30 Purpose/Meekness Our meekness brings glory to him.
Above All John 3:31-36 Belief/Obedience Our beliefs drive our obedience/behavior.
No Doubt Matthew 11:1-6 Doubt Doubt can be an indicator of faith.
Kingdom Promises Matthew 5:1-11 Principles / Beatitudes Live by kingdom principles.
Kingdom Purpose Matthew 5:13-16 Salt/Light Kingdom principles aid us in living out kingdom purpose.
Kingdom Precepts Matthew 5:17-20 Law/Grace Knowing and treasuring God leads us to obedience.
Kingdom Passion Matthew 5:21-26 Anger Use anger for righteousness.
Kingdom Purity Matthew 5:27-30 Purity/Adultery/Lust Purity is a direction more than a line.
Kingdom People Matthew 5:31-32 Divorce There is honor for marriage, yet healing for those wounded by it.
Kingdom Proof Matthew 5:33-37 Words Consistency creates credibility.
Hate to Harmony Matthew 5:38-42 Retaliation See others through the gospel.
Kingdom Provision Matthew 6:1-4 Hypocrisy Pleasure is found in giving.
Kingdom Prayer Matthew 6:5-17 Prayer Prayer is a rhythm, not a routine.
Kingdom Path Matthew 6:19-24 Greed Recognize greed and reject it.
Kingdom Priorities Matthew 6:25-34 Anxiety Let Jesus have our anxiety.
Kingdom Pivot Matthew 7:1-6 Judgement What we are for is more important than what we are against.
Kingdom Persistence Matthew 7:7-14 Right/Share Pray for, demonstrate Jesus to, and share Jesus with someone in your life.
Kingdom Produce Matthew 7:15-23 Fruit Fruit proves faith.
Kingdom Precepice Matthew 7:24-29 Way of Living Jesus offers a better way of life.
Blessed Anticipation Luke 2:36-38 Anna Encounter his presence daily.
Expectation Luke 2:25-38 Active/Personal Align with God's Word and be driven by God's glory.
Blessed Invitation Luke 2:8-21 Inclusion God chooses to include the "least and last."
Blessed Revelation Matthew 1:18-24 Joseph Find a Joseph and be a Joseph.
CHRISTMAS EVE Luke 1:26-38 Mary Be willing to embrace the message at all costs.
Blessed Celebration Matthew 2:1-12 Wisdom/Seek Sacrifice and faith is what gives a gift value.
Year of Focus Proverbs 29:18 Focused/Vision Vision that goes beyond what is apparent or evident requires F.O.C.U.S. to see what is essential and necessary.
The Power of 1% Luke 16:10 Be the One Doing big things for God begins with the willingness to do the small things that only God will see.
Margin Matters Ephesians 5:15-17 Limits/Margin/Boundaries To live a life with healthy boundaries that allow "U" to do more with less.
Know Yourself 1 Timothy 4:15-16 Self-Awareness In order to lead others, you must be able to lead yourself, but you can't lead yourself if you don't know yourself.
Irresistible Influence Proverbs 3:3-4 Intentional/ Influential The power to influence others comes when our focus shifts from "me-centered" to "you-centered."
Facing Failure Proverbs 24:16 Mirror/Failure/Fear It's NOT "if" you will fail, it's "when" you fall, but how quickly you get up that counts.
Servant Leadership John 13:1-20, Mark 10:45, Philippians 2:7, Matthew 23:11 Honor/Humilty/Honesty/Humanity The quickest way to the top is to serve from the bottom.
Followship- Flip Side of Leadership Luke 5:11 Leader/Direction A leader is not a leader unless there is a follower. What made Jesus worth following? Knowing these attributes not only makes us better leaders for Jesus while seeking to be a better follower of Jesus.
Saved to Be Sent Jonah 1-3 Call/Mission For every individual follower of Jesus, there is a call to be part of God's mission for the world. The goal of this message is to see yourself in the story of God for the salvation of the world.
The Breath that Creates Genesis 1:26-27, 2:7, 2:22 Creation The breath of God highlighted in Scripture CREATION marks an awakening to all of our lives that we are created for so much more!
The Breath that Connects Psalm 150:6 Worship You were created for the pleasure of God, and when your pleasure is found in bringing Him pleasure, then your pleasure won't be found in empty pleasure but in eternal treasure!
The Breath that Revives Ezekiel 37:1-14 Valley/Vault Valleys are the low places in our lives that cause us to feel that hope is lost and what once was will never be again. However, could we embrace this truth that our Valley is not a VAULT BUT A VINEYARD!
The Breath that Revives Ezekiel 37:1-14 Valley/Vineyard Valleys are the low places in our lives that cause us to feel that hope is lost and what once was will never be again. However, could we embrace this truth that our Valley is not a VAULT BUT A VINEYARD!
The Breath that is Taken John 12:9-19 Awe/Wonder There are moments in life that take your breath away becasue of astonishment, awe, and wonder. Those moments are not always defined by the breath-taking complexities of life, but rather the breath-taking intentionalities of life.
The Breath that Conquers Various Live/Conquer The breath that conquers sin, death, hell, and Satan forevermore is the same breath that allows you to not live in defeat during the unknown, but let it be known: Because He lives you can face tomorrow!
The Breath that gives Courage John 20:19-23 Vitality/Victory The giving of the Holy Spirit is the source of vitality in the daily life of the follower of Jesus and this sermon's attempt will prove it.
The Breath that Speaks Various Belief The Bible is more than a book; it is a Belief!
The Breath that Wins 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8 Win/Faithful If we know we win in the end, then why do we live in defeat today?
Moment of Truth Nehemiah 1 Change/Care What separates those who merely strive for personal comfort and those who seek profound change is one word: _____________.
Midnight Ride Nehemiah 2 Road Map/Opportunity/Rise Up Gain a roadmap on how to navigate a good-cause verses a God-calling.
Shoulder to Shoulder Nehemiah 3 Rebuild/Work To understand that every person has a significant part to play in the rebuilding of a nation.
I Got your Back Nehemiah 4 Work/Fighting Some things are worth fighting for and though that list may feel short, its ramifications are long.
Win - Win Approach Nehemiah 5 Leadership/Conflict Resolution Effective leadership is not just the ability to move people to the accomplishment of a mission; it is also modeling how to navigate towards conflict resolution.
Dealing with Distraction Nehemiah 6 Distractions/Help Life is full of distractions. If you are going to live a purpose-filled life, you must learn how to deal with distractions. If you don't handle distractions, distractions will handle you.
What's on my Heart Nehemiah 7 Prompting/Purpose When God places something or someone on your heart, it is a prompting by God that is either preparing or pointing to the purpose of God that could include you! See Something, Say Something, Hear Something, Do Something!
Captivated by Truth Nehemiah 8 Solutions/Life To see God's Word not as a place of outdated commandments, but instead a place of relevant solutions to life.
History is HIS-Story Nehemiah 9 Moving/Story To understand that God is moving you from the margins of existence to the story of God for eternity.
Signed, Sealed, Delivered Nehemiah 10 Encounter/Action To be reminded that Talk is cheap, and empty promises have never changed the world! However, when there is an encounter with God, there will be evidence beyond words-there will be ACTION by doing the following:
The Vibe of Valor Nehemiah 11 Valor/Receive To understand the importance of VALOR being more than a medal to achieve, but a declaration to receive.
Walking on the Walls Nehemiah 12 Teach/Transformational The moments in life that teach you the most may not always be the most treasured, but they are often the most transformational.
Don't Forget Nehemiah 13:2 Learn/Live The lessons of Nehemiah are just to be LEARNED, but LIVED!
MORE THAN your Mistakes Romans 8:1-4 Define/Change To understand how IN CHRIST changes everything!
MORE THAN your Temptations Romans 8:5-11 Temptation Today, we learn how to face our temptations versus fall from our temptations!
MORE THAN your Title Romans 8:12-17 Title/Sealed I want you to know who you are and WHOSE you are becasue WHOSE you are will tell you who you are!
MORE THAN your Suffering Romans 8:18-25 Pain/Suffering To understand that pain and suffering cannot be avoided in this life, but pain and suffering can be used to make us attentive to the heavenly life.
MORE THAN you Loneliness Romans 8:26-27 Connection/Desperation The line of communication with God is always open, never to be met with full mailboxes, automated services, or voice recordings. You are MORE connected THAN you think!
MAXIMIZING the MORE within YOU Ephesians 3:20-21 Called/Maximize In order for God's people to do what we are called to do and be who we are called to be, there must be a shift in our hearts and minds to move from excepting a spirit of mediocracy to embracing a spirit of excellence.
MORE THAN your Setbacks (Part One) Romans 8:28 Good/Purpose There is never a moment in your life that will not be used for your good!
MORE THAN your Setbacks (Part Two) Romans 8:28b-30 Win/Control There is nothing that ever catches God off guard or by surprise. and that not only applies in politics, but in your personal life too!
MORE THAN a Coincidence Romans 8:29-30 Coincidence/Purpose There is no such thing as coincidence or happenstance. By looking back at every major event of your life, you will discover that it led you to this very moment! It is all connected for a BIGGER purpose.
MORE THAN we can Measure! Romans 8:31-34 Faith/Blessing The blessing of God isn't meaningless when it is seen as measureless.
MORE THAN a Conqueror Romans 8:35-39 Conquer/Victory The One who conquered sin, death, and hell not only speaks victory over you, but secures victory through you.
Perhaps Today Luke 2:26-32
PSA Announcement Luke 1:26-56 Peace/Provision The provision of peace always comes in the moments when you least likely expect it!
Christmas Creative Experience N/A Story/Chaos A Christmas story in the midst of chaos.
I Saw the Sign! Matthew 2 & Luke 2 Story/Symbols There are signs/symbols in the Christmas story that speak uniquely to each person that encounters and engages them not only for what they are saying, but better yet, who they are speaking about! JESUS
Resilient to Worship Romans 12:1-2 Worship/Radical/Giving Challenge
Civil Unrest Statement to Church Statement Peace/Pray for our Nation/Conflict
Resilient with Spiritual Gifts Romans 12:3-9 Grace/Discover/Spirtual Gift
Resilient in Persecution Romans 12:14 Battle/Curse/Bless/Persecution
Open Mic Breakthrough moments
Resilient to Relate Romans 12:15
Resilient in Reconciliation Romans 12:16-18 *cyber attack statement to church
Overcoming Evil Romans 12
The Prayer that Changed a City Philippians 1:9-11
Fill it to the Brim John 2:1-11
No Lifeguard on Duty John 5:1-17
Can You See me Now? John 6
Holy Spit John 9:1-41
He Said Her Name John 20:1-18
Wreck It Ralph John 21
This is a Move Acts 1
Filled to the Brim Acts 2:1-21, 36-41
Upper Room Acts 2:42-47
Honor Mother's (Mother's Day)
May I have Your Attention
Turn The Tassel Joshua 1:1-5
Home of the Free & Land of the Brave Joshua 1:6-9
One God Exodus 20:1-3
No More Idols Exodus 20:4-6
More Than A Name Exodus 20:7
Closed On Sunday Exodus 20:8-11
Honor Your Parents Exodus 20:12
Life is Precious Exodus 20:13
No Adultery Exodus 20:14
Off Limits Exodus 20:15
Liar Liar Exodus 20:16
Fill in the Blank Exodus 20:17
So Many Voices
Peace in the Middle of Problems
The Unveiling Revelation 1
A Look in the Mirror Part 1 Revelation 2
A Look in the Mirror Part 2 Revelation 3
The Epicenter Revelation 4-5
Never Too Late Revelation 6-7
Listen Up Revelation 8 - 9
Press Pause Revelation 10-11
The Battle of Belief Revelation 12-13
The Time is Now Revelation 14
Just a Glimpse Revelation 15-16
Babylonism Revelation 17-18
Wedding Bells Revelation 19
Keepin' it 1000 Revelation 20
Heaven Yes! Revelation 21
Last Words Revelation 22
The Wonder of Wander Matthew 2:1-10
Crown Him Matthew 2:10-13
Gift Exchange Matthew 2:11
Happy New Year
Soul Detox Matthew 6:16-19 Fasting
Mission Possible Matthew 28:18-20
Our DNA Act 2:42-47
A Life Worth Imitating 1 John 2:6
Perfect Timing Mark 5:21-43
The Calling 1 Kings 17:1-16
Turn IT Around 1 Chronicles 4:9-10
CBC Sunday Morning - Joseph Sojourner
Never Alone/Looking at Lions Daniel 6
God Goggles 2 Kings 6:8-23
Jericho Joshua 6
My Space Matthew 3:13-15
Open Heaven Matthew 3:16,Luke, 3:21, Mark 1:10
Behold the Dove Matthew 3:16,Luke, 3:22, John 1:32
Invitation to Grace Matthew 3:17
Monday is Coming John 1:34
Light Up the City - Jeff Wallace Matthew 5:13-16
Pass it Down 2 Timothy 1:5-7
Far from Home Luke 15:12-32
Gods Got You Covered Ephesians 6:11-18
Love Uvalde
I Still Do - Marquise Cox Hosea 1-3
Day of the Lord Joel 1-3
Famous Amos Amos 5
Sin of Sins Obadiah
A Whale of a Story Jonah
No Fishing Allowed Micah
Good God Almighty Nahum
Favored Zephaniah 3:17
Full House Haggai 1-2
Lip Service Malachi 2:5-8
Leave the Light On Zechariah 4:6
Whole Life Various
Sexuality and Gender Various
Kingdom People Ephesians 2:11-22
Do You Mind Isaiah 26:3
Peoples and Steeples Hebrews 10:24-25
Sixth Sense Colossians 2:15
Be Real 1 John 1
Prove it 1 John 2:1-14
Word Up! 1 John 2:15-27
Kingdom of God
The Haves and Have Nots 1 John 2:28-3:10
Love Wins 1 John 3:11-24
It Ain't About Me 1 John 3:19-4:18
Proof Positive 1 John 5:1-12
Knowledge Is Power 1 John 5:13-21
The Dangers of a Christ-less Christmas Matthew 1:18-24; Luke 1:26-38
You're Welcome Luke 2:8-10
Giftmas or Christmas Luke 2:11
Home for Christmas Luke 2:13-20
The Waiting Room Luke 2:36-38
House of Healing John 5:1-9
At the Cross-Roads Mark 10:46-52
Open Door Exodus 14:10-16; Hebrews 11:29-31
Can you hear me now? 1 Samuel 3:10
Fruit-Filled Vs. Fruit Flavored Galatians 5:16-25
Eagerly Desire the Gifts of the Spirit Acts 1:8
Warning Signs: Ways We Regect the Holy Spirit 1 Corinthians 2:14
You don't have the right to remain silent. Acts 1:8; John 1:40-42; 2 Cor 5:20-21
Oily 2 Cor 1:21; 1 John 2:20
Embrace the Eight Acts 8:26-40
A Fork in the Road Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:28-40; John 12:12-19
Why Easter Matters? Mark 16:6
All In Psalm 119:10 Divided, Reserved
All In - Part 2 Wordly, ashamed
All In - Part 3
Tough Times James 1 Tough times, embrace, endure
Females of the Family Tree Matthew 1
Your Next Level 1 Timothy 4:11-12 Influence
We remember Leviticus 23 Rememberance
It just takes Othniel Judges 3:7-11
A Pointed Message Judges 3:12-30
The Value of Valor Judges 6:11-34
Sweet Victory Judges 4-5
Zero to Hero Judges 10-12 God uses nobodies
Boys Will Be Boys Judges 13-14 Warning Signs/Choices
Free for All Judges 15 Revenge
Love is Blind Judges 16 Focus/Consume
God's Children are Not for Sale Proverbs 31:8-9 Trafficking
The Social Dilemma-Get your Life Back Isaiah 26:3 Social Media/Technology