Trustworthy in the Small Things

"One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much." - Luke 16:10  
Do you find yourself yearning for a life-changing opportunity or a calling that will shape your future? You might think you are ready for this, but God is calling you to a different path first: the path of faithfulness in the little things.  

When God lays a dream or a calling on your heart, it can be tempting to focus solely on the end result. You envision the big moments—successful ventures, impactful roles, or significant blessings. Yet, what if God’s plan isn’t about jumping straight to the spotlight? Instead, He may be inviting you to start in the shadows, tending to the small details that lay the foundation for your future.
It’s crucial to understand that God is not delaying your blessings, He’s preparing you for them. Every small responsibility you face is an opportunity to prove your trustworthiness.  
Whether it’s managing your time wisely, being diligent in your current job, or being responsible with your finances, these seemingly insignificant tasks matter deeply to God. Each small act of faithfulness is a building block in your character, shaping you for the larger responsibilities that lie ahead.

Think about the parable of the talents in Matthew 25. The master entrusted his servants with different amounts according to their abilities. The ones who took their small amounts and invested them were rewarded, while the one who buried his talent out of fear faced consequences. This story illustrates that how we handle the small things directly influences the larger opportunities God presents us.  

If you find yourself waiting for a breakthrough or a significant calling, take a moment to reflect on the small areas of your life. Are you handling them with the integrity and diligence they deserve? It’s easy to dismiss these tasks as trivial, but they are the training ground for your future. God values your faithfulness in the everyday moments just as much as He values the big leaps.
As you strive to be trustworthy with the small things, remember that God is watching. He sees your efforts, your dedication, and your willingness to serve faithfully. And when you prove yourself reliable in the little things, He will open doors for the bigger roles you desire.

Embrace the small tasks in front of you today. They matter more than you realize. Each moment of faithfulness shapes your character and prepares you for the incredible plans God has in store for your life. Trust Him with the little things, and watch as He leads you into the big, life-changing opportunities that await you.

1 Comment

Cory Elder - November 30th, 2024 at 7:09am

The song by Pastor Mike comes to mind. “And it’s gonna be… BIG.” God has shown me a pattern of being impressive. Right now in some areas it appears to be slow going for sure but even that I can honestly say He has actually been doing the impossible. Thank you so much Pastor Ed for your continued work with all this.

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