The God of Breakthrough

Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” - Joshua 3:5 
When you’re waiting for a breakthrough, it can feel like the answer is always out of reach. You might be facing challenges that seem insurmountable, and it’s easy to lose hope when progress feels slow or elusive. But remember this: God is the God of breakthrough, and He is capable of delivering that breakthrough at any moment.

The story of Joshua and the Israelites crossing the Jordan River is a powerful reminder of this truth. As they faced the daunting task of entering the Promised Land, the river was at flood stage, making it seem impossible. Yet, God instructed Joshua to tell the people to prepare themselves because the very next day, He would perform wonders. God’s timing was perfect, and His ability to bring about a breakthrough was not limited by human constraints.
Your situation might feel like a river at flood stage, overflowing with obstacles and uncertainties. But God is not constrained by what you see or how long you’ve been waiting. He is sovereign and powerful, and He can bring about a breakthrough in ways that you cannot yet imagine. The key is to trust in His timing and His ability to act.

Encourage yourself with the knowledge that God’s breakthrough is not dependent on your circumstances but on His power and plan. Just as He parted the Jordan River and made a way for the Israelites, He is more than capable of making a way for you. Your breakthrough might come today, tomorrow, or in the unexpected moment when you least anticipate it. What matters is that God is at work, and His promises are true.
Hold onto your hope and be encouraged. Your breakthrough is on its way, and it can happen at any point. Trust in the God of breakthrough, who sees beyond your current situation and is working on your behalf.  

Your breakthrough is not a matter of if, but when, and God’s power will be revealed in ways that will exceed your expectations. Keep believing, keep waiting, and keep preparing, God is ready to do wonders in your life.
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1 Comment

Salen Degelo - September 25th, 2024 at 3:26pm

Really appreciate it.... helpful

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