Not of This World

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2).  
The moment you become a child of God, you are no longer of this world. You just live in it. You are made new, but there’s still a transformation that takes place as you grow in Christ. This transformation is the process your heart goes through to become more like Jesus, meaning, your thoughts, your actions, your desires, and your beliefs align with those of the Father so that your mind is constantly being molded and renewed.  

Our true power as sons and daughters of God is in knowing that because of Jesus, we have been called out from among the world—chosen by Him to change the world. It’s not enough to just be saved in Christ—we must do something with that new spirit in us. If we were only ever meant to be saved, then we would’ve been called up to heaven the moment we accepted Christ. But instead, we are here to live out this renewed life so that many sons and daughters will come to glory.  

Refusing to conform to the world is costly, but God remembers every effort you’ve given. He never forgets when His children stand up for Him. We are not of this world, and this world whips those who dare to go against the grain, but part of the mark of the believer, which we discussed in our last devotion, is seeking the kingdom of God above all else—above acceptance, above popularity, above ideologies that don’t line up with scripture.  

If you’re worried about what living for God might cost you, we’ve all felt that way. Peter denied Jesus three times because he was afraid, and yet, Peter became one of the most devout and sincere children of God because he decided that if God could save His soul and forgive His denial, then He was worth following for the rest of his life.  

You don’t have to follow Christ. It’s your choice—He’s given you complete free will. You don’t follow Him just to avoid hell. You follow Him because you’ve tasted and seen that the Lord is good, and when you understand the enormity of His mercy and what it took for Him to take on your sin and die in your place, you’ve seen enough to follow Him all your life. Who would be that devoted to you but Jesus? Who could love you that much? Just as we discussed in a previous devotion—you are motivated by mercy.  

It’s your choice not to conform. It’s your own call to decide that your life will no longer be determined by your own calls. When you give the Spirit permission to work in your heart and change the way it beats, your whole life gets transformed because your heart is pumping new life, new dreams, new love, and suddenly, it all becomes worth it.    

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