Ordinary People, Extraordinary God

"But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong." - 1 Corinthians 1:27

It’s easy to look at the people in the Bible and think they were superhuman. They stood before kings, parted seas, and defeated giants. Surely, they must have been extraordinary, right? Yet the truth is, these were ordinary people with ordinary struggles. Their greatness didn’t come from who they were but from who God is.
Take a closer look. Moses doubted himself and argued with God. Gideon hid in fear. David was a shepherd boy overlooked by his own family. Peter was impulsive and denied Jesus three times. None of these individuals were remarkable on their own, but their obedience to God made all the difference. The same God who empowered them to do the extraordinary is ready to work through you, too.

One of the biggest misconceptions is that you need to be someone special for God to use you. Maybe you think you need a perfect past, a polished resume, or an impressive set of skills. But that’s not how God works. He delights in taking the overlooked, the underestimated, and the broken and using them to fulfill His plans. When you choose to be obedient, God does the rest.
Your story might not seem remarkable to you right now, but God sees the potential in your ordinary. He sees how your faithfulness in small moments can make an eternal impact. It’s not about your ability but your availability. The world’s standards of success don’t matter. What matters is saying “yes” when God calls, even when you don’t feel qualified.

The same God who used fishermen to change the world, who chose a teenage girl to bring the Savior into the world, and who transformed persecutors into apostles is ready to use you. Don’t let the fear of being ordinary hold you back. Step out in faith, trust God, and watch Him turn your obedience into something extraordinary.
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1 Comment

Cory Elder - January 31st, 2025 at 5:42am

That didn’t make sense to me before but now it’s starting to. It’s really hard to teach someone who thinks they already know. But I wonder really if these people thought like I did before they encountered God too. I compared myself to other people and thought well I’m not any worse than any of these people. I may even be doing pretty good comparatively. Once God opened my eyes and I became aware of His presence that changed very quickly. I am completely lost without Him. Don’t stand a chance. He has empowered me though. It’s remarkable. I’m still learning how to be more effective though. I used to think i was so smart lol. I realize now it takes me awhile to really understand. I just have to keep doing what He says and eventually I start to get some clarity.

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