What Are You Afraid of Losing?

"For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." - Matthew 16:25

What is it that keeps you up at night? What’s the thing you hold so tightly that the thought of losing it makes your stomach turn? Maybe it’s your reputation, your success, your security, or even a carefully crafted version of yourself that you present to the world. Whatever it is, the fear of losing it has a grip on you, and whether you realize it or not, it’s shaping the way you live.
Fear makes you hide. It convinces you to keep up appearances, to prove yourself, to make sure no one sees the cracks in the image you’ve built. But deep down, you know how exhausting that is. The weight of maintaining the mask is heavier than the fear of losing it, yet you keep holding on. Why? Because you’re afraid that without it, you won’t be enough.

But I need you to understand something today: whatever you’re afraid of losing has no real power over you. It’s not what defines you. Your identity isn’t wrapped up in success, people’s opinions, or even your ability to keep everything together. God never called you to live in fear of losing something He never meant for you to carry in the first place.
Jesus said that whoever tries to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for His sake will find it. That means real life, real freedom, comes when you let go. When you stop gripping so tightly to the things that can never truly secure you. When you release the need to prove, perform, and pretend, and instead, trust that you are fully known and fully loved, no matter what.

Let me ask you again: What are you afraid of losing? Whatever it is, God is greater. Whatever you’re hiding behind, He sees right through it. And still, He chooses you. Let go. Lose what needs to be lost so you can find what truly matters.
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1 Comment

Cory Elder - March 7th, 2025 at 2:35am

Thank you Pastor Ed. I wish my oldest was into reading these. But for me nothing really does keep me up at night. I work hard to provide a life for my family and also to clean up the mess of a life before I finally met God. Working nights out in the oilfield gives me plenty of time to spend with Him and because of it my life is better. If I had stayed with some other option that gave me what I thought I wanted i wouldn’t have been able to experience this. The Lord is my shepherd. And while I wish I could go home every night to my family I trust that He knows what is best for me.

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