Ordinary but Chosen

“But Moses said to God, ‘Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?’”- Exodus 3:11 
Have you ever felt unqualified to take on a big responsibility or challenge? Have you ever wondered, “Why would God choose me for this?” If you’ve asked these questions, you’re not alone. Moses, one of the greatest leaders in biblical history, felt the exact same way when God called him to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.

Moses had lived a life full of failures and fears. After fleeing Egypt as a young man, he spent forty years as a shepherd in the wilderness. When God called him from the burning bush, Moses immediately questioned why God would choose him for such an important mission.
He was just an ordinary man with a troubled past. He had no powerful position, no special skills, and, most importantly, he didn’t feel qualified. He even asked, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?”

Yet, despite Moses’ doubts, God didn’t choose him because of his qualifications, He chose Moses because He had a plan. God didn’t need someone who had all the right answers or the perfect track record. He needed someone who was available to trust Him, follow His lead, and obey His calling. Moses wasn’t the most qualified, but he was the one God had chosen to fulfill His purpose.  

God reassured Moses that He would be with him, that His power would be enough, and that He would equip him for the task ahead. Even when Moses hesitated and made excuses, God was patient. He didn’t give up on Moses. And in the end, Moses obeyed. Though he was fearful and unsure, he became God’s instrument of deliverance for the Israelites, leading them out of Egypt to freedom.
Just like Moses, you may feel unqualified for the work God is calling you to do. But remember, God often chooses the unlikely to do the extraordinary. It’s not about your abilities; it’s about your availability. God wants to use you, just as you are, to accomplish His great plans. Trust Him, step out in faith, and watch as He does something powerful through your life.
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Cory Elder - January 2nd, 2025 at 6:32am

Right on time Pastor Ed! Thank you. More prayers being answered recently. I guess it could be difficult to step out in faith if I had been given the option to do so. For me it’s been out of necessity. (You see to believe. How blessed are those who believe to see.)

Margaret Broadus - January 2nd, 2025 at 7:36am

Of course, your message is timely AGAIN! I’m in a spot where unqualified and checkered past rank up there with my excuses for why what I’m called to do might stand out. OK Lord, not “why me” but as Pastor Ed always says - Why NOT me?. Let’s go show them what God will do with an unqualified failure! Thanks again Pastor Ed.

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