Faithful Before the Appointment

"His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’" - Matthew 25:23

You might feel like you’re not where you want to be yet, like the plans and dreams God has placed on your heart are still out of reach. But don’t let that discourage you. Just because you’re not there yet doesn’t mean God hasn’t appointed you for something. Right where you are, He has a purpose for you, and it starts with being faithful in the small, secret, and sacred things.
God often tests our faithfulness in the little things before He entrusts us with more. It’s easy to want the big opportunities, but if you can’t handle what He’s already given you, why would He give you more? It’s in the small tasks, the ones that seem insignificant, that God is preparing you. Whether anyone notices or not, God sees you.

Faithfulness in the secret things is where your integrity is built. What you do when no one is watching reveals who you really are. David understood this. Long before he became a king, he was a shepherd, alone in the fields with no audience except sheep and God. It was there, in the quiet, that he learned to worship, sing, and trust God. His faithfulness in the unseen moments prepared him for the appointment God had for him.
And then there are the sacred things; the moments of worship, prayer, and time spent with God. These aren’t just tasks to check off but sacred practices that strengthen your heart and prepare you for what’s ahead. David didn’t see singing to God as a chore. It was his way of connecting with the One who had anointed him for something greater.

Right now, you may feel hidden or overlooked, but don’t underestimate what God is doing in this season. Be faithful where you are. Steward what you’ve been given with excellence. When the time is right, God will appoint you for something greater, but until then, trust Him and remain faithful in the small, secret, and sacred things.
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Cory Elder - February 2nd, 2025 at 8:30am

Thank you Pastor Ed and wow this is very well put. Sometimes this happens to me too and that’s exactly how I try to look at it. Not the reward so much as the testing. I need to remember that it’s when nobody is looking that it matters the most. Feelings can sometimes lead me down the wrong path and old habits can disguise themselves in patterns of thought they stem from. The actions you mentioned have helped me to push through those days or hours. Putting my trust in Him and even praying out loud many times I trust you Jesus. I trust you God and I trust you Holy Spirit. Just do the next right thing in front of me. I’m glad I don’t have to do this alone.

Stormy McDonald - February 2nd, 2025 at 11:08pm

Just what I needed to hear! I feel like I’ve been let down time after time by others and by myself. But this last one was a real gut punch. To be thought of by someone close to me as a possible predator really cuts deeply. I wanna just isolate but I know it’s the worst thing I could do. I will be having an aggressive conversation with God later. There’s a lot of things I haven’t put down here. But I’m ready to have some joy in my life. It just feels fleeting. Thanks for the devotional, again, it’s just what I needed.

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