What Are You Afraid of Losing?

"For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." - Matthew 16:25

What are you afraid of losing? Is it your reputation, success, relationships, opportunities, or even a carefully crafted image of yourself? Sometimes the things we hold onto the tightest reveal the places where fear has taken root.
Fear of loss can drive us to wear masks, pretend, or overwork ourselves trying to protect what we have. It can make us afraid to take risks or step out in faith because deep down, we worry that if we fail, everything we’ve built will come crashing down.

When your identity is tied to anything other than God, you’ll always live in fear. If your worth is in your success, you’ll fear losing it. If it’s in how others see you, you’ll fear being exposed. The things we hold tightly to can become prisons, keeping us from fully stepping into the freedom and purpose God has for us.
God calls you to a different way of living. A life where you let go of fear and trust Him with everything. When Jesus said that those who lose their life for His sake will find it, He wasn’t just talking about physical life. He was inviting you to let go of your grip on anything you’ve placed above Him. He knows that real life, real freedom, begins when you stop striving to protect what you were never meant to carry on your own.

What if, instead of fearing what you might lose, you trusted God with it? What if you let Him define your worth, direct your path, and protect what truly matters? The truth is everything you try to hold onto apart from Him is temporary. But when you surrender it to Him, you gain something far greater; His peace, His purpose, and the freedom to live authentically as He created you to be.
So, what are you afraid of losing? Bring it to God today. Let Him remind you that He is enough, and in Him, you already have all you need. Trust Him with your fears and let go of the things that are holding you back from fully living in His love and purpose for your life.
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