Take Off the Mask

"For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ." - Galatians 1:10

Have you ever felt like you’re wearing a mask? Like the responsibilities you’ve been given or the title you carry doesn’t match how you feel inside? That fear creeps in, the fear that people might find out you’re not really who they think you are. This is the heart of imposter syndrome, and it can leave you feeling disconnected, doubting your worth, and questioning your place.
In ancient Greek theater, actors didn’t have the technology we have today to communicate their emotions to large audiences. Instead, they held oversized masks on poles, each mask displaying a different emotion. Every time the character’s mood changed, the actor would swap out the mask. These actors weren’t called actors, they were called hypocrites, a term that literally means “two-faced.”

What if people loved the mask you wore but never knew the real you? That’s a heavy weight to carry, constantly wondering if you’re only valued for the image you project instead of who you truly are.
Listen, God didn’t create you to wear a mask. He didn’t call you to hide behind an image or to pretend to be someone you’re not. The responsibilities and opportunities He’s given you are not a mistake. He chose you for them, knowing exactly who you are; your strengths, weaknesses, and everything in between.

The challenge is to live authentically, trusting that God’s approval is all you need. When you try to please others or maintain a facade, you end up disconnected from the truth of who God says you are. But when you live in His truth, you find freedom. You don’t have to fear being “found out” because you’ve already been found by Him.
So take off the mask. Trust that the person God created you to be, the real you, is more than enough. Let go of the fear and the inner dialogue of doubt. You are called, chosen, and equipped, just as you are. And that is more than enough for the purpose He’s placed before you.
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