Just Show Up

“But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.” - 2 Corinthians 4:7

Have you ever hesitated when God stirred something in your heart? Maybe you felt like you weren’t ready or equipped to do what He was asking. Thoughts like, “I don’t have the talent,” or “I’m not experienced enough” can creep in and stop you before you even begin. But here’s the truth: God isn’t looking for ability. He’s looking for availability.
It’s easy to think you have to bring a specific skill set to the table in order to make a difference. The world celebrates expertise and talent, and that can make you feel like you’re disqualified from being used by God if you don’t measure up. But God’s ways are different. He delights in taking ordinary, willing people and doing extraordinary things through them.

When you step out in obedience, God steps in with His power. You might feel like an empty vessel, but that’s exactly what He wants. An empty vessel is ready to be filled, shaped, and used in ways you could never imagine. The same God who spoke the universe into existence can equip you for the task He’s calling you to.
The pressure isn’t on you to make it happen. It’s not about how smart, talented, or prepared you are. It’s about trusting that God’s power is more than enough. If He’s asking you to take a step of faith, then He’s already planning to supply what you need along the way.

So, the next time doubt whispers that you’re not capable, remember this: God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called. All He’s asking is for you to say, “Here I am, Lord. Use me.” Stop worrying about what you lack and focus on being available. Just show up and let God do the rest.
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Cory Elder - January 7th, 2025 at 6:44am

I didn’t even realize I missed yesterday lol. Worked straight through. Back home for a day and off again to another town for work. It was so nice seeing all the comments yesterday. This verse reminds me of a scene in the chosen where Jesus says the reason they put water in the jars for ceremony is because they are pure. When he was turning water into wine. Someone told me a long time ago how will you ever know what will happen if you don’t try. When the going gets tough you never know how far you can go until you keep going. What I have found is that somewhere in there something else happens I wasn’t expecting and really there is no limit to what God can do. Yes Pastor Ed, I am willing. Struggling with this fast or lack there of but I am willing to be willing. Maybe that’s a better description.

Ana Ochoa - January 7th, 2025 at 3:24pm

This world means a lot to me, last night I was telling the Lord that I’m freaking out about a meeting I was telling him how unqualified I felt and asked the Lord to give me direction. Yes the Lord answered this morning, thank you pastor Ed, I pray that the Holy Spirit continues using you, strengthen your faith and keep you safe.

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