Run Your Own Race

"Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith." - Hebrews 12:1-2

David couldn’t wear Saul’s armor because it wasn’t made for him. But it wasn’t just about the armor, it was about the path God had chosen for David. Saul’s journey and David’s journey were never meant to look the same. God had a destiny for each of them, and David couldn’t fulfill his calling by trying to duplicate Saul’s life.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison. You might see someone else’s accomplishments, talents, or life and wonder why your journey doesn’t look like theirs. Maybe you think, “If I could just follow their steps, maybe I’d be successful too.” But that’s not how God works. He didn’t create you to copy someone else’s life. He created you for a unique purpose, and the path He’s carved out for you is yours alone.

David didn’t become a king by following Saul’s path. Saul’s journey was marked by his own set of battles, victories, and failures. David had to walk his own road, a road that took him from shepherding sheep to standing before Goliath and eventually to the throne. It wasn’t a straight path or an easy one, but it was the one God designed for him.
Your life is no different. God has written a story for you that’s unlike anyone else’s. Comparing your journey to someone else’s will only distract you from what He’s trying to do in your life. Their race isn’t your race. Their challenges aren’t your challenges. Their victories aren’t your victories. The path God has set before you is tailored to your growth, your purpose, and His glory through you.

Stop looking around at what everyone else is doing. Stop measuring your progress against someone else’s timeline. Instead, fix your eyes on Jesus. He’s the one who has called you, equipped you, and is walking with you every step of the way. Trust Him to lead you where you’re meant to go.
Run your own race with endurance, knowing that the God who created your path will guide you to the finish line. Your destiny is yours, and it’s more than enough.
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1 Comment

Cory Elder - February 5th, 2025 at 7:33am

That’s a hard one Pastor Ed. I spent most of my life lowering the bar over and over again. When I started this journey God made it very clear that His standard was well above where I thought it would be. At first i refused to change some things or maybe just couldn’t. Then later i changed a lot of things. I have a very successful family and look up to a lot of people in my life. I feel like if I were to set the bar based on where I am currently at I will never come even close to where I want to be. Then again at the end of the day i pray a lot. I ask God to make this life He gave me into one that pleases Him and where I am the most useful. Also my opinion of what’s happening probably doesn’t matter much as long as I keep turning to Him. Love you guys. Thank you

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