One Opportunity

"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is." - Ephesians 5:15-17

I want you to be honest when I ask you this question, are you wasting your time? Are you holding back, waiting for applause, chasing acceptance, or fearing rejection? When you live for the approval of others, you end up stuck. Your true identity stays hidden, your calling remains unrealized, and the gifts God has placed in you are left untapped. The impact and influence you were created to have are minimized, all because fear or the need for validation keeps you from stepping into what God has for you.
There is a cold reality we all have to come to grips with, and that is that you’ve got one shot. One life. One opportunity to live out the purpose God has created you for. You don’t have time to waste worrying about what others think or hesitating because of insecurity. The days are fleeting, and God calls you to walk wisely, to make the most of the time He’s given you.

This doesn’t mean rushing through life or hustling to prove yourself. It means walking intentionally, focusing on what matters, and aligning your steps with God’s will. It’s about understanding that your worth doesn’t come from people’s approval but from the One who created you.
My friend, it’s time to let go. God has already given you everything you need to fulfill His purpose for your life. You don’t need to wait for permission or validation from others. You’ve been called, equipped, and positioned by Him.

So, what will you do with the opportunity in front of you? Don’t waste it on fear, doubt, or seeking acceptance. Step into your identity as a child of God, fully confident in His plan for your life. Make the most of your time. This is your one shot. Don’t hold back. Walk wisely, trust Him fully, and live boldly in the purpose He’s given you.


Cory Elder - February 24th, 2025 at 7:21am

Thank you Pastor Ed. I remember still how everyone seemed to be so busy everywhere I went. There was barely anyone who was able to stop and notice the beauty of majesty of Gods creation. It was the first time I had ever really seen it myself. I was fully at rest and all I saw everywhere was God. He gave us this to enjoy. Nowadays I get so busy I forget it too. Our days are short for sure. Every day that goes by where I don’t appreciate it is another day wasting what God has given us. It is a broken world and a lot of lost people. I have to forgive, to show love, to win over hearts and help open peoples eyes. Because the presence of God is loud and obvious to anyone willing to notice. And once you start to see it then it cannot be unseen. Thank you again for reminding me of the Truth.

Tom Jones - March 1st, 2025 at 10:46am

You are so right Ed. I spent the last 45 years preparing to share the good news with people who have a right to know where they are going to spend eternity. Unfortunately,I spent more time preparing than sharing. Now that I’m running out of time to share I’m beating the bushes everywhere I go searching for those few who are going to find the narrow road that leads to life. Only in the last few years have I been willing to trust God to give me impromptu opportunities to convert every conversation to the question “do you know for sure where you’re gonna spend eternity?“ Thanks for just one more nudge to keep sticking my neck out to do what God has prepared me to do.

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