What Are You Still Trying to Prove?

"But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8

What are you still trying to prove? That you’re good enough? Smart enough? Talented enough? Worthy enough? Maybe it’s to your parents, your friends, your boss, or even yourself. You work harder, push further, and carry the weight of expectations that were never yours to bear. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself…why?
What do you think proving yourself will give you? Acceptance? Security? Love? The truth is, even if you accomplish everything you set out to prove, it will never be enough. The finish line keeps moving. The validation fades. The approval you long for never truly satisfies. And so, you keep striving, performing, and exhausting yourself in the process.

The good news is you don’t have to prove anything. Not to the world, not to the people around you, not even to God. He already made His decision about you. While you were still broken, still doubting, still trying to measure up, Jesus died for you. He didn’t wait for you to prove your worth. He didn’t hold out love until you got it all together. He gave it freely.
So, what if you stopped running? What if you let go of the pressure to prove and simply rested in the truth that you are already chosen, already loved, already enough? What if you believed that your worth isn’t tied to what you do but to the One who made you?

God isn’t impressed by your striving. He isn’t waiting for you to earn His love. He’s just waiting for you to receive it. Lay down the weight of proving yourself. Let go of the need for validation. What you are truly longing for isn’t found in approval; it’s found in the God who gives freely, without condition, without hesitation, just because He loves you. And that is enough.

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