Burning Prayers

“Jabez called out to the God of Israel: “If only You would bless me, extend my border, let Your hand be with me, and keep me from harm, so that I will not cause any pain” (1 Chronicles 4:10).

God loves sincere prayers. He loves it when we are vulnerable with Him. Jabez, who’s lived his whole life being labeled as the one who caused pain, calls out to God. He’s broken-hearted and desperate for a change. He’s tired of being called by his past, so he pours his heart out to the Father.

So often, we want to see a change in our lives, and we want to know that there’s more to our lives than just what we can see, but we must make a decision. We must decide to call on the Lord to show us a different way. We need to examine ourselves and see what lies we’ve believed about ourselves.

What is the enemy trying to condemn you with? What dirt does he have on you that’s caused you to doubt your worth, your future, your purpose? You need to know what poison Satan has tried to use on you.

When you know what the problem is, you have more discernment about how to pray, and that’s when you can say bold prayers, asking Him to expand you, uphold you, and keep you steady as you seek His truth rather than Satan’s lies. Like Jabez, ask God to do a work in and through your life—that you wouldn’t live in your sorrow and stay in the pain from your past, but that He would amplify your life.

We’re told in the book of James that we have not because we ask not (James 4:2). But when we ask, let it not be a half-hearted prayer—a measly morsel of prayer just to test the waters and see if He’s as good as He says He is. Believe that He loves you enough to change your life. Believe it boldly. God can perform any work He wants, but how much more would a father do for his child if his child asks sincerely? The book of James also says that “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16).

Fervent means “having or displaying a passionate intensity.” In old Middle English, the word refers to something hot, burning, boiling, or glowing. Would we dare to say fervent prayers? If we could see what prayers look like, would ours be glowing with sincerity, full of earnest, full of enthusiasm—bursting at the seams because we need to hear His voice?

A good father would come running if his child was in such need. Imagine how God’s heart is moved when His children pray so fervently that their prayers burn!

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Jacob - June 5th, 2022 at 10:46am

Good word! No holding back!

Kimberly Trevethan - June 7th, 2022 at 7:30am

I really needed this today. Feeling like I don't measure up in my job and sometimes other areas. I know God loves and values me. I never struggle with that. I struggle with my work. I want God to show me a different way. This motivates me to pray boldly and trust Him!

Cory Elder - January 24th, 2025 at 7:56am

Yes sir, I can vouch for that for sure. I can’t help but think of after I had fallen, continuing to live in sin, i called out to Him in tears. I know you are supposed to always be with me but something’s wrong. I don’t feel you. Things aren’t going well. Please come back Jesus. Please send me your spirit. I’m so sorry I messed things up. I need your help. I’ll do anything. Within a few minutes I was filled with the Holy Spirit and my whole attitude changed. He said to me this is I do not do for you but for my names sake. From that moment forward I could feel legions of angels on my left and on my right. He directed me where to go and what I was supposed to do. Again I was convicted of all the wrong i had done and almost every morning I was in tears barely able to leave the house. I continued to pray and face myself. Taking action where I could. He helped me at every turn. Also i had help from others who had done the same before. God also filled them and they were able to direct me back on His path. Eventually I came out of the wilderness and back on the way. Today i believe and it’s because I asked. I made that decision to call for change from my heart. God answers prayers.

Cory Elder - January 24th, 2025 at 9:10am

Or it may be a year of restoration. A year of answered prayers and amazing signs and wonders. It may far above and abundantly more than I ever asked or thought of. It could be a whole city in revival. If it can be bad then it could also be good. Things are looking up

Flo - January 24th, 2025 at 8:31am

Yes, He does answer. Sometimes you have to just know He's with you like He said He would be as He takes you through because it may be a year of "going through ".

Cory Elder - January 24th, 2025 at 9:10am

Or it may be a year of restoration. A year of answered prayers and amazing signs and wonders. It may far above and abundantly more than I ever asked or thought of. It could be a whole city in revival. If it can be bad then it could also be good. Things are looking up

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