They Can’t Steal God’s Favor

"For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable." - Romans 11:29

Somebody might have taken something from you. Maybe it was an opportunity, a position, a relationship, or a dream you worked so hard to build. Maybe you’ve been betrayed, overlooked, or pushed aside, and now you’re standing there wondering if what they took has somehow stripped you of God’s plan for your life.
But hear this loud and clear: They might have stolen your coat, but they cannot steal your anointing.

That’s what happened to Joseph. His brothers ripped his coat right off his back, the very coat that symbolized his father’s favor. They threw him into a pit, sold him into slavery, and walked away thinking they had destroyed him. But what they didn’t realize was that the coat was never the source of his favor; God was.
The same is true for you. What someone took from you does not determine your future. The anointing on your life is not tied to a position, a title, or the approval of others. What God has placed on you, no one can take away. They might have stolen something external, but they cannot touch the internal—the calling, the favor, the purpose that God has sealed inside of you.

Joseph lost his coat, but he never lost the presence of God. Even in slavery, even in prison, the Lord was with him. And because of that, favor followed him everywhere he went. No betrayal, no false accusation, no setback could cancel what God had destined for his life.
The same God who was with Joseph is with you. So stop believing that what was taken from you has the power to stop you. It doesn’t. God’s plan for your life is still intact. His favor is still on you. His anointing is still covering you.

Shake off the discouragement. Lift your head. Keep moving forward. What they took may have been valuable, but it was never essential to what God is doing in you. The favor on your life is not something that can be stolen.

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