There is a Dream Inside of You

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." - 2 Corinthians 5:17

God is going to bless somebody. He’s going to use somebody. He’s going to call someone into a purpose bigger than they ever imagined. So why not you?
Maybe you’ve told yourself that you’re not qualified. Maybe you think you’re too broken, too flawed, too insignificant to be part of something bigger than yourself. But that’s just not true. The only thing standing between you and the dream God placed in your heart is your willingness to step into it.

But it can’t be about you. The dream inside you isn’t just for you. God didn’t design it to simply serve your own goals and ambitions. His dreams always have a greater purpose. They’re meant to be the answer to someone else’s need, the solution to a problem you may not even see yet. The impact of what He wants to do in your life isn’t just about what you accomplish, it’s about how He will use you to lift, encourage, and inspire the people around you.
Dare to dream again. Maybe life has beaten you up a little. Maybe disappointment has made you stop believing that God still has something incredible for you. But as long as you have breath in your lungs, His purpose in you is still alive. That means no insecurity, no insufficiency, no inadequacy has the power to disqualify you. Not when Jesus already declared you new.

There is a dream inside of you. And the best part is, God placed that dream inside of you. God is going to do something great in someone’s life. Why not you? The only thing you have to do is step forward and trust that He has already made you ready. Stop pushing that dream down to the surface, let it out, and let God lead you into the life He destined for you before you ever took your first breath.
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Cory Elder - March 16th, 2025 at 6:38am

Thank you for the service yesterday. I hope Stephanie enjoyed her “30th” birthday. You guys said a great example. I think my dreams are already being fulfilled. The big ones though who knows what God has in store for me. I can tell you this much. I used to ask people this question thinking it was a qualifier where I could identify others who were in the spirit. What have you always wanted to do. The answer I was looking for was “help”. Gods will is my will. My dream is His dream. And it absolutely is about service. This is where true joy lies. Real fulfillment. It’s just not always so easy to do consistently. Thanks again Pastor Ed. For all you have been doing.

Karisa Elder - March 16th, 2025 at 9:29am

For so long I had no direction nor any clue on what or if I was allowed to dream… it has been through prayer and reading scripture that I realized that I and others are His children and He loves us so much. Why wouldn’t He dare us to dream and carry out His will. Thank you for your messages as I believe they are God inspired.

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