You Belong Here

"For the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught." - Proverbs 3:26

As you read this, I want you to be encouraged today: You belong here. So walk into the room like God sent you, because He did. You don’t have to shrink back, second-guess yourself, or wonder if you truly belong. You stepped in already chosen, already worthy, already enough. The doubt? The fear? The insecurity? Let it go. This is your time, and you have been prepared for this moment.
But if you’re like most people, there’s a voice in your head whispering, what if I don’t belong? What if I’m exposed? What if they realize I’m not as capable as they think I am? This feeling has a name, and it’s called imposter syndrome. It’s the disconnection between the responsibility you’ve been given and the way you perceive yourself. You feel like you have to fake confidence, like you’re playing a role rather than walking in your calling.

But the truth is, God doesn’t make mistakes. He placed you exactly where you are for a reason. The title, the position, the opportunity—it wasn’t an accident. You are not standing where you are because of luck, chance, or good timing. You are there because God positioned you, and when He calls you, He equips you.
You don’t have to perform for approval. You don’t have to pretend to be something you’re not. God has already affirmed your worth. He has already prepared you. Instead of worrying about being "found out," start believing that you were sent.

So, the next time you feel the weight of doubt creeping in, remind yourself, I belong here because God put me here. I am walking in His purpose, and He will sustain me. Hold your head high, step forward with confidence, and trust that His plan for you is greater than your fears.

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