On Purpose, For a Purpose

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." - Ephesians 2:10

Have you ever felt like you’re not enough, so you try to mold yourself into what others expect you to be? It’s easy to fall into the trap of trying to live in someone else’s skin, believing you need to perform, conform, or measure up to be accepted. But when you do that, you’re telling God, “You made a mistake when You made me.”
God didn’t make a mistake. He created you on purpose, for a purpose. Yet, we’re often shaped by our environments. Maybe you grew up in a home where love felt conditional, based on how well you performed or followed the rules. Or perhaps you’ve been influenced by social media, where acceptance feels tied to likes, applause, or fitting in. Over time, this mindset can lead you to put on masks, trying to become what you think others want you to be.

But every time you put on a mask, you become a hypocrite—not to people, but to God’s design for your life. You’re hiding the masterpiece He created in you, trying to live as someone you were never meant to be.
If you’ve ever felt this way, you’re not alone. Even brilliant minds like Albert Einstein and successful figures like Tom Hanks and Barbara Corcoran have wrestled with feelings of being a fraud. They questioned their worth, despite their accomplishments. But I want you to understand something today: your value isn’t based on what you do or what others think. It’s based on who God says you are.

God calls you His workmanship. Crafted uniquely for the good works He prepared for you. You don’t have to earn His love or prove your worth. He’s already declared that you are enough.
Stop striving to be someone else or to meet the expectations of others. Embrace who God made you to be. When you live authentically in His purpose, you’ll find freedom, peace, and joy in knowing that you are fully loved and fully enough, just as you are. Walk in that truth and let the real you shine.
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