Be Careful Who You Share Your Dream With

"Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you." - Matthew 7:6

Not everyone can handle what God has placed inside of you. That dream, that vision, that calling—it’s not meant to be shared with just anyone. Because the wrong people will misunderstand it, dismiss it, or even try to destroy it before it ever has the chance to grow.
Joseph learned this the hard way. God gave him a dream of greatness, but when he shared it with his brothers, instead of celebrating him, they despised him. Their jealousy pushed them to betray him, and before he knew it, Joseph found himself in a pit, sold into slavery because he spoke his dream to the wrong people.

You have to be careful who you trust with your God-given dream. There are three types of people in your life:
Confidants – These are your ride-or-die people. They are with you no matter what. They rejoice when you rejoice. They cry when you cry. They don’t judge you by your worst moments, and they aren’t threatened by your success. They push you toward your calling, encourage you when you doubt yourself, and remind you of who you are when you forget. These are the people you share your God dream with.

Constituents – These people are with you only when you’re pursuing what they also want. They might cheer you on, but their support is conditional. The moment your vision no longer benefits them, they walk away.
Comrades – These aren’t people who are for you; they’re just against the same thing you’re against. They stand with you in the battle, but when the fight is over, they move on.

The mistake many people make is sharing their God-sized dream with constituents and comrades, people who were never meant to carry that vision with them. When you tell the wrong people, they’ll reject it, minimize it, or discourage you, pushing you down the boulevard of broken dreams.
But confidants? They won’t let you quit. They will pray for you, remind you of what God said, and do whatever they can to help you step fully into your calling.

So be wise. Guard what God has placed in you. Share your dream, but only with those who will protect it, nurture it, and help you bring it to life. Because the right people will never be threatened by your calling. In fact, they will celebrate it.
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1 Comment

Cory Elder - March 19th, 2025 at 6:19am

Thank you Pastor Ed.

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