You’re in God’s Providence

"For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified." - Romans 8:29-30

Even though you probably already know, I want to remind you of something today; You are not a random piece on a chessboard, moving aimlessly through life. Every step you take, every moment you experience, is held within the providence of God. Long before you were even born, He knew you. He didn’t just see who you would become, He had a plan for your life, a purpose designed to bring you closer to Him and to reflect His glory.
God’s providence means that your life is woven into His eternal story. He knew you, predestined you, called you, justified you, and will ultimately glorify you. This isn’t a passive process. It’s the intentional work of a loving Father who is shaping you into the image of His Son. You are part of something greater than yourself, and nothing in your life is wasted in His hands.

There are days when it might feel like life is spinning out of control, when your circumstances seem too difficult to bear. But even in those moments, you can trust that God’s providence is at work. The hardships you face are not meaningless. He is using them to refine you, to draw you closer to Him, and to prepare you for the glory He has promised.
It’s not just about enduring, it’s about trusting. Trusting that God, who called you, also equips you. Trusting that the One who justified you through the sacrifice of His Son will glorify you in the end. Trusting that every piece of your story, the good and the bad, is held in the hands of the One who works all things together for good.

Understand, you are in God’s providence. He is not distant, disinterested, or detached. He is actively working in your life, guiding you, and shaping you for His purpose. Whatever you’re walking through, know that you are part of His plan, and He will see it through to completion. Rest in that assurance and walk forward with confidence in the God who holds your life in His hands.

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