Why Me?

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”- Ephesians 2:10 
Have you ever asked yourself, “Why me?” When you think about the incredible things God could do in this world, do you feel like those big plans are meant for someone else? Maybe someone more gifted, someone with a “greater” story?  

If you’re being honest, you may have looked at the lives of others and thought, “God could use them, but not me.” But here’s the truth: God’s plan for your life is far greater than anything you could imagine on your own, and it’s tailored just for you.
You may not feel extraordinary or qualified for the amazing things God wants to do through you. But that’s exactly the point. God doesn’t choose people based on their abilities or talents. Instead, He looks for availability. You don’t need to have all the right skills or experience, you simply need to be willing to step out in faith and let God lead you. When God chooses you for something significant, it’s not because of what you can do but because of what He wants to do through you.
Think about some of the Bible’s most well-known figures: Moses, David, Peter. None of them were “qualified” in the way the world would expect. Moses had a speech impediment, David was the youngest and least likely, and Peter was just a fisherman. Yet, God used them in powerful ways, all because they said, “Here I am, Lord.”

If you’re sitting there wondering, “But why me, God?” Know that it’s because God sees something in you that you don’t even see in yourself. You are His masterpiece, created for a purpose. And just like those who came before you, you don’t have to be extraordinary to be used by God. You just have to be available. When you say “yes” to His calling, He will qualify you and equip you to do things you never thought possible.
The next time you ask, “Why me?” remember that God has a unique, extraordinary plan for you. Step out in faith, trust His timing, and watch as He does incredible things through your life.


Cory Elder - January 1st, 2025 at 6:26am

Happy New Year! About to go to sleep but I just want to say thank you again. And this truly is my story. I could have never done the things I do now without Him. God says do this so I do it not knowing why. Then later i find if I had not done it I would have failed and possibly even been hurt. So grateful.

Ana Ochoa - January 1st, 2025 at 9:19am

Dear Pastor Ed, I want to sincerely thank you for the daily devotionals you share. They have been a great blessing in my life, helping me grow spiritually and draw closer to God. I pray that this new year is filled with peace, health, and many blessings for you and your family. Happy New Year!”

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