Choosing His Will with Free Will

"But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve... But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” - Joshua 24:15 
In the realm of free will, God grants us the remarkable gift of choice. But while He gives us the choice to choose freely, He still desires that we choose Him and His ways, above all other things. We see this in Joshua 24:15 when it says, "But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve... But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

Joshua, in his declaration, acknowledges the power of choice. Reflect on your own journey of free will. How have you exercised this gift in your decisions, actions, and allegiance to God?
Think about the significance of choosing God's perfect will. While free will allows for diverse choices, Joshua's conviction reveals the importance of aligning our choices with the goodness of God. Choosing to serve the Lord is an intentional decision to walk in His perfect will.

Are there areas where God's perfect will has been revealed to you, and yet the allure of other paths tempts you away? Joshua's words echo through the ages, inviting us to make deliberate choices that align with God's goodness.
Pray for guidance in exercising your free will. Ask God for discernment to recognize His perfect will amid the myriad of choices life presents. Surrender your decisions to Him, affirming, like Joshua, your commitment to serve the Lord and walk in His ways.

As you navigate the vast landscape of choices, let Joshua's declaration resonate in your heart. Choose for yourself this day whom you will serve and let the compass of your free will point toward the goodness of God's perfect will. May your choices align with His desires, and in doing so, may you find fulfillment and purpose in serving the Lord.
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Cory Elder - January 26th, 2025 at 6:47am

Good morning Pastor Ed. Thank you. While I surrender much much sooner these days I do still from time to time let one in there. Little comments come to mind. Those little snippy things that come out almost out of the side of my mouth. The tongue is certainly dangerous for me. It can lead me to places I don’t want to go and sometimes quickly. Right now my daily life is being overwhelmed with grace though. I sincerely want to lay hold of this life with God so like what has been taught i put into practice what I am learning. Trying to become a doer of the word. Jesus Christ is the reason I have been able to do even the little bit I have. He has helped me so tremendously more than I ever expected with this. I am so grateful for prayer and guidance because all I have is desire and gratitude. Without this Holy Spirit where would I be?

Lora Moore - January 27th, 2025 at 6:50am

Praise the living God

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