Put Off the Armor

"And David strapped his sword over his armor, and he tried in vain to go, for he had not tested them. Then David said to Saul, 'I cannot go with these, for I have not tested them.' So David put them off." - 1 Samuel 17:39

The last five words of this verse hold incredible power: “So David put them off.” Saul tried to dress David in his armor, thinking that was the only way he could face the giant. But David quickly realized that Saul’s armor wasn’t made for him. It didn’t fit, and it wasn’t what God had called him to use.
How often do you feel like you need someone else’s gifts, skills, or resources to face the challenges in front of you? Maybe you think, “If I just had their talent, their platform, their connections, then I could do it.” That’s a trap. Their armor wasn’t designed for you. Their anointing wasn’t made to equip you for your battle.

When Saul tried to put his armor on David, it was more about Saul’s glory than David’s victory. If David had gone into the fight wearing Saul’s armor, Saul could have claimed credit for the win. But David understood that he didn’t need to fight Goliath as someone else. He needed to fight as the person God had called him to be.
The same is true for you. You can’t face your giants while carrying someone else’s armor. The tools, gifts, and callings that God has given others might not fit the battle He’s prepared for you. Trying to use what wasn’t designed for you will only weigh you down and hold you back.

Maybe you feel insecure or inadequate when you look at the giants ahead. But God has equipped you with everything you need. He’s given you your own gifting, your own anointing, and your own purpose. You don’t need someone else’s armor because what God has placed in you is more than enough.
Put off the armor that doesn’t fit. Stop comparing yourself to others or wishing for their abilities. Trust that God has prepared you for the battles He’s called you to fight. Step forward in faith, knowing that He will give you the victory.
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1 Comment

Cory Elder - February 4th, 2025 at 7:11am

Because it hasn’t been tested. I have never been a fan of testing. Jesus said something about what will you do when there is one or what will you do when there is two. I forget but it all inspires me to think there is some sort of test and some sort of preparation involved. For me right now it is when things don’t look good and could be falling apart what are you going to do? Will you still follow my word? Are you going to continue to do the right thing? Yes Lord. Everything I have is yours.

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