What Are You Chasing?

"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?" - Mark 8:36

Have you ever set your sights on something, thinking, Once I have that, I’ll feel complete? Maybe it’s a promotion, an achievement, a relationship, or some other accolade. You tell yourself, “When I get there, I’ll finally feel satisfied.” But then, you get it. And instead of feeling fulfilled, you’re left wondering why it didn’t deliver the satisfaction you expected.
The truth is nothing in this world can fill that void. You can have the bigger house and still not have a home. You can drive the nicer car and still feel like you’re stuck in poverty. You can dress in the finest clothes and still not feel valuable. You can collect the trophies, certificates, and applause, and still wonder why it’s not enough.

That’s because your value doesn’t come from what you achieve, what you wear, or what you own. Your worth is bigger than a brand or a logo. It’s not tied to the things of this world but to the God who made you. Only He can give you the value you’re longing for.
You were created for something greater than the temporary satisfaction of material things or human approval. When you place your worth in those things, you’re chasing after something that can never truly satisfy. But when you root your identity in God, you discover a value that isn’t fleeting, a purpose that doesn’t waver, and a fulfillment that lasts.

What are you chasing? Is it the next accomplishment, the next purchase, the next level of success? Or is it the God who has already called you valuable, loved, and enough?
Let go of the pursuit of things that will never satisfy. Your value is not for sale, it’s not earned, and it’s not based on what you achieve. It’s based on the One who created you in His image. Walk in that truth today, and you’ll find the peace and purpose that no accolade, logo, or possession could ever give.

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