Labels Don’t Define You

"Then David said to the Philistine, 'You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.'" - 1 Samuel 17:45

Imagine this scene: David is sent to deliver food to his brothers on the battlefield, I like to think he’s got some $5 hot and ready Little Caesar’s pizzas on his shoulder. He’s just doing what his dad asked, but when he arrives, the battle against Goliath is at a standstill. The giant is mocking God, and the mighty soldiers of Israel are frozen in fear.
David asks, “What’s going on?” But instead of answering, his brother Eliab lashes out: “What are you doing here? Go back to your little sheep.” The label hits hard. David, the forgotten shepherd boy, not a warrior, just a kid. But David doesn’t let it stick.

He keeps asking questions and learns there’s a reward for defeating Goliath. While everyone else is terrified, David’s focus shifts to what God can do. Even when Saul, the king who should have been leading the charge, tells David he’s too young and inexperienced, David stands firm. He doesn’t rely on the opinions of others, instead remembering God’s faithfulness.
David recalls how God delivered him from the lion and the bear while he was shepherding. He knows the same God who was with him then will be with him now. When Saul tries to put his armor on David, David recognizes it doesn’t fit, physically or spiritually. David doesn’t need someone else’s tools or labels to fight this battle. He trusts in what God has already equipped him with.

This is a powerful reminder for you. People will try to label you: too young, too inexperienced, not good enough. Sometimes, they’ll even try to hand you their solutions, their methods, and their expectations. But like David, you don’t have to accept what doesn’t fit. God has already equipped you with everything you need for the battles you’ll face.
Trust His faithfulness in your life. The same God who has been with you before will deliver you again. Step into the battle with confidence, not in what the world says about you, but in who God says you are. Let Him lead and watch how He works through you.

1 Comment

Cory Elder - February 3rd, 2025 at 6:56am

Reading the verse there my first thought was how could this possibly apply to my life where I don’t have any clear giant to face in a fight nor any huge things that show me God operates like that for me. Going through the reading with this huge fear dominating my thinking right now I absolutely need this. He promised He would never leave me and commanded me to be strong and courageous. I’m facing my own Goliath right now. It’s time to trust Him more. Thank you Pastor Ed.

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