Stop Holding Yourself Back

"For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." - 2 Timothy 1:7

Yesterday, we looked at those who want to perform their way to acceptance. But then there is another kind of person. The type of person holds themself back. You know the opportunity is there. The door has opened.  

You’ve been given the chance to step up, but instead of walking through it, you hesitate. You second-guess yourself. You think, “Someone else would be better for this.” So, you step back, recommend someone else, or tell yourself it’s just not the right time. But if you’re honest, it’s not humility keeping you from stepping forward, it’s fear.
Fear of failing. Fear of being exposed as not good enough. Fear that if you try and it doesn’t work, you’ll regret ever putting yourself out there in the first place. So, you play it safe. You opt out. You procrastinate. You convince yourself that avoiding the risk is the wise thing to do. But in reality, it’s just self-sabotage in disguise.

God didn’t create you to shrink back. He didn’t give you talents, ideas, and opportunities just for you to recommend someone else because you’re afraid you won’t measure up. The enemy would love for you to believe that playing small is the humble thing to do, but it’s not humility; it’s avoidance. It’s refusing to trust the God who called you.
Here’s the truth: You will never be fully ready. You will never feel 100 percent qualified. But God doesn’t call the ones who have it all together. He calls the ones who are willing. If He has placed you in a position to lead, to influence, to step forward, then it’s not by accident. He didn’t make a mistake in choosing you.

Stop waiting until you feel perfect. Stop handing your calling over to someone else because you’re afraid of what might happen. Stop pacifying yourself with excuses that keep you comfortable but unfulfilled. God has given you everything you need to step forward in faith. Your fear doesn’t have the final say; He does.
It’s time to stop holding yourself back. Step into what He’s calling you to do. The only thing worse than failing is never trying at all.
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1 Comment

Cory Elder - March 11th, 2025 at 6:15am

It has been a real eye opener every time I have examined my fears. I wrote down what I was afraid of one side of paper and why I was afraid on the other. After first seeing what I thought was just a minor thing was actually more like a highly stressful state of terror I started to notice something. Not only is God present to help me, but I had nothing to lose. I had already been living in a state of terror the whole time. The body resists change but I’m always glad when I do. God is the only thing I ever really need to be afraid of. He dictates how my life goes in every area. My relationship with Him is the only thing that makes a difference.

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