Written Only For You

“And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth.” (Revelation 14:3)

When trials and tribulations come, sometimes God gives you a song that only you can learn. It is a song written just for you. Sometimes songs aren’t learned on top of the mountain. Sometimes they are learned in the valley, where you go through trial and tribulation, strife and struggle, circumstances that seem overwhelming.

The adversity causes you to feel like giving up. But God gives you a steadfastness, a grit, a tenacity, and a hustle. You decide you are going to give God the praise in the darkest hours of your life because you realize worship is your weapon. It starts to push back the darkness because the enemy does not expect you to sing in hardship.

Revelation 14:3 speaks of a song that no one could learn but the 144,000. See, there are times where God will give you a song that’s written just for you. Others around you might not know what you are going through, or they might even be going through it with you. But God doesn’t always give the song to your wife. Or to your buddy. Or to your child, or your co-worker.

God wrote the song for you. He is using the trials and tribulations in your life to reveal the song or message to you. Nothing you go through is by accident. As we have learned, God is all powerful and in complete control. If these circumstances have happened in your life, God either sent them, or He allowed them. Either way there is something He wants you to take from what is taking place in your life. You just have to learn the song.

In times like these, it is important not to look around. Maybe you get frustrated because others aren’t dealing with what you are dealing with. They don’t have to go through the troubles you do. But the song wasn’t written for them. Don’t get caught up in whether it affects others. Allow God to give you the message and grow from it.
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1 Comment

Andrea - March 6th, 2022 at 9:54am

" Unraveling " by Cory Asbury

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