
“Now all the believers were together and held all things in common. They sold their possessions and property and distributed the proceeds to all, as anyone had a need…They ate their food with a joyful and humble attitude, praising God and having favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to them those who were being saved” (Acts 2:44-47).

Over the last few days, we’ve explored our identity in the Holy Spirit, unraveling what the DNA of the Holy Spirit looks like in our lives. We’ve discussed the hope that lives in our hearts, the importance of family and fellowship, celebrating and championing one another, and now, the importance of radical generosity. These values are God’s heartbeat.

God doesn’t bless us so we hoard the blessing for ourselves. His blessings give way to more blessings. He pours Himself out constantly, giving to us liberally so that we, in return, will give to others.

We are the stewards of God’s blessings. Everything we have, we’ve been given. We can talk about money and materials, but whatever you give, it was given to you first. When God hands you a blessing, you don’t take it and keep it for yourself. Don’t sneak away with it like a toddler and try to hide it away for safekeeping. Receive it, and then give it back. Take a look around you and ask, “Okay, Lord, who needs it? Where can I give it?”  

If you feel that you haven’t been given much, whether that be money, talents, provisions—it doesn’t matter—be faithful in the small things and the small gestures so that He can trust you with the greater blessings. Keep giving your time, your abilities, your talents, your money where you’re needed. Keep giving radically because there is a reward.

He uses what you give, and He multiplies it. When the Church lives out the radical generosity of Jesus, we see revival and rejuvenation. We see people who are thirsty for Jesus and who are looking for meaning in life to come into their lives because they’re curious about us. They’re drawn to the Spirit by the hope that’s in us. They’re drawn to the family, the celebration, and the generosity, because no one loves like God does. The world can’t give what God can give, and people see this truth when they look at us because we look like Him.

Our values are His values—our DNA is the same. The Church is His family; His own special people carry His message of love to those starving for answers. His heart is for connection, communion, family, and home. May our hearts be geared toward the same.

1 Comment

Florence - May 13th, 2022 at 7:21am

This devotion is so inspiring and encouraging to do radical generosity with all that you are and all that you have!!

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