Open Your Eyes

“And Elisha prayed, ‘Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see you.’ Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” - 2 Kings 6:17

When the enemy surrounded the home of Elisha, his servant became afraid. He was scared because they thought they were overwhelmed, outmatched, and outnumbered.

But Elisha said, in 2 Kings 6:17, ‘Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see you.’ Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” Elisha saw what his servant was unable to see until he looked again. Then he saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around them.

At first, all the servant could see was the trouble. All he could see was the opposition, those that were against them. That is until Elisha prayed for the Lord to, “Open his eyes.”

So the question is, what if Elisha was standing with you? If you explained your situation right now, the trials and difficulties circulating in your life, how overwhelmed you are, how you are outmatched or there is just too much to do, and the task outnumbers what you are capable of, what would Elisha say to you?

Or would he pray, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see you.” Sometimes, we don’t need God to change our situation; we need God to change our vision and our perspective of our situation. When the servant viewed the situation from his perspective, he was afraid. But as soon as he looked to the hills and changed his perspective, he knew it wasn’t him who was in trouble…it was the enemy!

Do you need to open your eyes today? Maybe it is time to pray, not that God would change your situation, but that He would change your perspective. Pray not that He would give you a new job, a new home, or a new salary (though He could), but that He would give you a new vision. Ask God to open your eyes up so that you can see your situation the way He does through His lens!
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