Heirs of Heaven

“If we are children of God, we will receive everything He has promised us. We will share with Christ all the things God has given to Him. But we must share His suffering if we are to share His shining-greatness.” - Romans 8:17 
As children of God, we are blessed. We have received the greatest gift of all, eternal life spent in heaven with Him. We are blessed with mercy, grace, and love. As we talked about yesterday, we also are blessed to have access to the power of Jesus.  
These are all amazing blessings. So much so that if they were all God gave us, it would be more than we ever deserved. But He doesn’t stop there. As His children, we are heirs to all of the riches and glory Jesus will garner as well.  
Romans 8:17 says, “If we are children of God, we will receive everything He has promised us. We will share with Christ all the things God has given to Him. But we must share His suffering if we are to share His shining greatness.”  
Isn’t that amazing? We will share “all the things God has given to Him.” He poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior so that being justified we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. But this does not just mean sharing what is given to Him now… 
One day, Jesus will return to earth and conquer Satan once and for all. And as He captures His glory and reign of the earth, we will reign with Him! The Father will create a new heaven, one that we will get to experience firsthand next to Jesus. As a believer, you are not just a witness to what God is doing; you are an heir who gets to share in the blessings! 
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