Singular Way

“Jesus said, ‘I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one can go to the Father except by me.’” - John 14:6 
There are many different religions and beliefs in the world. Some people believe after death there is heaven and hell. Some people believe when you die, your soul doesn’t go anywhere…that is just the end of the road. Some people believe you are reincarnated and come back as an animal or plant.  
What you believe about what the next stage of life is can dictate how you live now. For many, that do believe they go somewhere after death, it affects how they live now. They make decisions based on “doing good” or “being a good person.” Many religions, and many people for that matter, believe if they just do enough good things, or their good outweighs their bad, they will end up in heaven one day. 
But if you are a Christ follower, you know these people are doing all that good for no eternal reward. Doing good alone will not get you to heaven. No amount of good things will ever suffice. There are not multiple ways to get to heaven, but instead only one singular way.  
John 14:6 tells us, “Jesus said, ‘I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one can go to the Father except by me.’” Jesus is THE Way. Choosing to accept that you can never do it on your own is the only way. Once you committed your first sin, it no longer mattered what good you did, you’re a sinner. You will always be a sinner. 
And we know sin separates us from God. That is why Jesus came to earth to die for our sins so that there was a way to heaven. But it is not just “a way.” It is “THE WAY.” Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven!
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