Specific Way

“Jesus said, ‘I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one can go to the Father except by me.’” - John 14:6 
As we confirmed yesterday, Jesus is the singular way to heaven. Despite the fact that there are many varying religions, many varying beliefs, and many varying schools of thought, heaven and hell are real places. Not only are they real places, but they are also the only two eternal destinations for every single person that takes a breath on earth. 
When you die, you will go to heaven or hell; that is the reality. Though many believe if they “do good” they will make it to heaven, we learned yesterday that is not enough. Once you have sinned (and we all sin), you are a sinner. It does not matter how much good you do. Because of this, Jesus came to earth to die for our sins. Jesus is the singular way to heaven. 
John 14:6 says, “Jesus said, ‘I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one can go to the Father except by me.’” This verse makes it clear that there is only one singular way to heaven. But it also makes it clear that way is very specific. The verse says, “No one can go to the Father except by me.”  
If you want to experience heaven when you die, there is only one way. And that way is very specific; it is through Jesus Christ. Acknowledging you are a sinner, believing that Jesus died for your sins, and repenting of your sins and turning from them is the singular and specific way to heaven.  
But it is not just your eternal destination. This specific way is more than that! Not only will you spend eternity with God, but He sends you the Holy Spirit to live inside of you for the rest of your days on earth. You can continue to grow closer to Him even now. To reach your full potential for Christ and experience heaven, you must understand there is a specific way, and it is the only way! 

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