A God Who Heals

“A man who does what is right and good may have many troubles. But the Lord takes Him out of them all.” - Psalm 34:19 
A few days ago, we discussed how you are not defined by your sin. As a believer, you are not immune to trials, temptation, and sin. You are a human being who will make the wrong decision and sin from time to time, just like everyone else. But no matter what you have done, God wants you to hear this today: you are not defined by your sin! 
Who you are goes so far beyond what you do, good or bad. Who you are is His. As a believer, you belong to Him. And though you sin, you are still His; that never waivers. But we do know sin brings about pain. It is the surest thing. When we sin, there are consequences. 
We have all heard, “you reap what you sow.” If you sow good works, you reap good rewards. When we sow bad decisions, we reap the bad consequences. This is why pain, loss, heartache, depression, and anxiety all exist. We live in a fallen world where sin is regularly practiced.  
But there is a saving grace, and that is the One whom you belong to is a God who heals! Psalm 34:19 says, “A man who does what is right and good may have many troubles. But the Lord takes Him out of them all.” 
Through this life, you will have troubles. You will find yourself in difficult circumstances. You will experience negative emotions. But do not be discouraged, because as His child, He will get you out of all of it. That is His promise in Psalm 34. 
Today’s key verse references, “A man who does what is right and good…” As a believer, though you will sin, as you grow in your relationship, you will find yourself motivated to do what is right and good. And as you do, though you will find trouble, the Lord will deliver you out of it. 
He is a God who heals. He did it all throughout Scripture, and He does it now. Though you fail, He never will. He will be there for you, and He will heal you!
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