Ordinary to Extraordinary

“Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And He chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful.” - 1 Corinthians 1:27

If you have followed along with us the last couple of days, I hope you are encouraged. If you have not, you should definitely check out the last few devotions, because while many people want to limit your dreams and stomp on your aspirations, God wants the opposite.

God wants you to faithfully and unrelentingly pursue His purpose for your life. That dream inside of you was given by Him. And He gave it to you so that you could do great things for His glory.  

Now, I know what you might be thinking, “Pastor, that sounds all great and everything...but I’m just a regular person. There is nothing special about me. How is God going to use someone so average to do such big things?”

Well actually, that is what God specializes in. The Bible is FILLED with stories of ordinary people who did extraordinary things. These people did such incredible things that their lives are recorded in the most bought book in the history of the world! That’s pretty extraordinary, right?

Abraham was old. Noah drank too much. Joseph was an entitled teen. Moses had a speech impediment. Rahab was a prostitute. Jonah was an escapist. Esther was an adopted orphan. Peter was a quitter, and Paul was God’s enemy.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg! See, it does not matter who you are or what your perceived “weakness” is. God loves using ordinary people like you and me because it brings all the glory to Him.  

Do not limit yourself based on how you perceive your own abilities. What God sees in you is so much greater than what you see in yourself. Allow Him to lead you to places you never imagined and keep pursuing His will. You will be amazed and what God can do when you do not limit His capabilities.
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