Fear of Failure

“Not a single one of all the good promises of the Lord had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything he had spoken came true.” - Joshua 21:45 
Are you avoiding or delaying what God has called you to do? Has He made His plan or purpose for your life abundantly clear, but you just can’t take the next step to get going? This is not uncommon. While it is exciting to know what God wants for us, it is not always easy to step out in faith and just trust Him with nothing holding us back.

But what is it that holds us back? Over the next four days, we are going to look at four reasons that we delay obedience to God when He is calling us into the next step of our life.  

The first is the fear of failure. Many of us are worried that if we go all out and do what God has called us to do, we will fail. Maybe God wants you to take drastic measures. Maybe He has called you to move, to leave the home you have grown up in. Maybe He has called you to a new career path. Maybe He has called you out of a familiar relationship.
Whenever God calls us to something big, and we have announced our big life change, one of the first questions you will often get from loved ones is, “What is your backup plan if that doesn’t work?” We can’t even get started without someone bringing up the possibility of failure.

But I am here to encourage you today. When you follow God’s will, you cannot fail. Joshua 21:45 tells us, “Not a single one of all the good promises of the Lord had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything he had spoken came true.”
When God calls you to do something, He takes full responsibility to make sure that your needs are met. There is nothing you will face that He is not already prepared for. He will give you everything you need along the way.  

If you have delayed obedience because of the fear of failure, I’m here to let you know that your delay is for nothing. Because with God beside you, failure isn’t just unlikely, it is impossible.
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