No Past, Just Future

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” - 2 Corinthians 5:17 
Do you ever feel like the prime years of your life are behind you? Maybe you think back to high school or college and remember the “fun years.” You think about the experiences you had, the accomplishments...and you just wonder if the very best is behind you.

You think the past was good, but the future might not be as great. If you have ever had these thoughts, I have good news for you. When you give your life to Christ, it is quite the opposite.
Once you turn your life over to Jesus Christ, you have no past, just a future. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

See, when you give your life to Christ, your old self is gone. God transforms you and is making you new again. Just like you had a physical birthday, you have a spiritual birthday. There is a reason it is called being “born again.”
If you have given your life to Christ, the best is NOT behind you. God has a beautiful plan for your life regardless of if you are 15 or 65. If you are still breathing, He has a plan and purpose for you.

Do not let the enemy tell you the lie that your best years are behind you. You might have had a great past. You might have had a terrible past. Either way, it does not determine your future. Because when you give your life to God, it is not about your past.
It is all about your future. God wants to do something special in your life…something only YOU can do. But first, you must let go of the past. You are born again! Let Him lead you into a future that is better than anything you could possibly imagine!
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Annette Howe - February 5th, 2023 at 6:42pm

I know we are suppose to read are Bible. But I do not understand any of it , like many of us. If I read these devotionals and the break down of them. Is it the same as reading your bible?

Callean - February 7th, 2023 at 7:21am

Annette, I too read these every day. I find it to be a good start in studying the Bible. Whatever the topic is for that day, look it up in your Bible concordance. You'll find it in the back. Read more texts on that subject.

One thing to remember, and Pastor just preached on this, is to PRAY before we read the Bible. ASK the Holy Spirit to instruct you, teach you and make clear what you are reading. You'll be amazed how you will be to understand.

Also, there are Apps on your phone for guide you thru reading the Bible front to back.

I hope this helps!

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