What He Has Done

“I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify Him with thanksgiving.” - Psalm 69:30 
Do you want to know how you can instantly make your life better? Maybe you are saying today, “Pastor, life is just hard. It has been beating me to my knees lately, and I just need something. What can I do to make my life a little better?”

I have the answer for you: GRATITUDE. Not what you were expecting, huh? It’s true though. Gratitude will change your perspective, and therefore, it will change your life. Instead of looking at everything that is going wrong, why not turn the tables and think of everything that has, is, and will GO RIGHT?
It all starts with remembering what He has done. Psalm 69:30 says, “I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify Him with thanksgiving.”
Thank God for what He has already done in your life. What has He done? Well for starters, He sent His one and only Son to die for your sins so He could have a personal relationship with you.  

But He has done so much more. Do you have a great family? Thank Him for that. Has He blessed you with a nice home? Thank Him for that. Are you thankful you live in a free country where you can make your life what you want of it? Thank Him for that!  

What about a situation He has gotten you out of before, or something you have gone through that has made you the man or woman you are today? There is so much more that could have gone wrong... but didn’t. Why didn’t it? Because God was looking out for you.  

Sometimes, we just need to change our perspective. It’s time to stop thinking about all that is going wrong and focus on what God has already done for you. Spend some time today thinking about what God has done in your life, thank Him for those things, and live with an attitude of gratitude because God is in your corner!
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