
“In Him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will.” - Ephesians 1:11 
Did you know that when you give your life to Christ, you are a FAVORED child of God? That is right. He pours out His favor on you. This is why you receive endless grace and mercy and why He continues to bless you beyond what you deserve.

Ephesians 1:11 says, “In Him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will.”
When we only look at our circumstances, it is easy to play the victim. We can start to think everyone is out to get us, that they want to ruin our lives. Evil people do evil things. And we are on the wrong end of that evil.

But the truth is, as a child of God, you are blessed and highly favored. From before you were even born, God chose you. He pursued you, and He rescued you…not because you deserved it, but because He loved you that much.
Even when you are unfaithful, He is faithful. He continues to pour out His mercy when you fail Him, and His grace when you don’t deserve it. Why does He do all this? Because you are His child, and He favors you above all.

We have talked a lot about gratitude and being thankful this month. Be thankful today that you are favored in the eyes of your Heavenly Father, that He pours out His blessings and riches even when you don’t deserve them. Be grateful that even when you mess up, He continues to push you toward His ultimate plan and purpose for your life.
We don’t deserve all that He gives us. But He gives anyway. Your Heavenly Father loves you and FAVORS you.  
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