The Courage You Need

“And with that he breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’” - John 20:22 
Is fear holding you back? Has God given you a dream or a purpose you know you must fulfill, but you just keep putting it off because of fear? Unfortunately, fear is often the strongest handicap that keeps people from achieving their dreams and goals.

As a believer, one of the best feelings in the world is when you find clarity about God’s will and purpose for your life. When you align your desires with His purpose, you can really do something special.  

It takes some people years to find that kind of clarity. When you have it, you can be really excited. It’s a great feeling! But unfortunately, too many people never make God’s mission their reality because of an ugly thing we call fear.
Whether it is the fear of failure, fear of not measuring up, or fear of someone opposing you, fear will always exist. But it is what you do in spite of that fear that will make or break your obedience to God’s mission.  

John 20:22 says, “And with that he breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’” What happened in this passage was Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit on the disciples, and they went from cowardly to courageous.
See, when you have the Holy Spirit, you have the courage to overcome the fear inside of you. It doesn’t mean that fear won’t exist, but that you have access to courage that can overcome that fear. God does not lead us where He cannot sustain us.

He knows what your journey will entail. He knows the obstacles you will face, and the fear that will rise up inside of you. He already knows all of that. Yet, He equips us with everything we need to overcome it. He will give you the courage you need.
Stop letting fear hold you back from God’s mission for you. He will provide the courage you need. Now step forward in faith and follow Him!
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