Maybe The Reason is...

“The Lord works out everything to its proper end...” - Proverbs 16:4 
Is there something that happened in your life, maybe even years ago, that you are still wondering why you went through it? It might have been one of the hardest times of your life. At the time, you didn’t see a way out.

And though God brought you through it, He never really made it clear as to why you had to go through that. If you missed our devotion yesterday, I would encourage you to go back and read it. It was titled “A Mentee.”  

No matter who you are, you should have people in your life who have walked ahead of you and can give you wisdom about situations that you are in that they have passed through. You should also have people in your life who you help in the same way. It doesn’t matter if you are 50 or 15; someone behind you needs the wisdom you have.
But have you ever thought...maybe the two are tied together? Maybe God allowed you to go through something, not for yourself, but for someone who would one day need to hear your story. Maybe the reason isn’t for you. Maybe the reason is THEM!

You might still be wondering why God allowed you to go through something. It was one of the hardest times of your life and you never wish that upon anyone. But unfortunately, others will go through it. God has a funny way of bringing people into our lives who have gone through similar or even identical circumstances.
Maybe God placed you in that situation so that you can help someone who is going through the same thing, just years later. You never know how God is going to work. But maybe the reason isn’t for’s for them.

Keep your mind open, and always be willing to share your story. You never know who needs to hear what you’ve been through and what a blessing it could be in their lives!
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