What is Happening Around You?

“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” - Philippians 2:4 
I want to ask you a question today: What is happening around you? What is going on in your spouse’s life? What struggles are your best friends going through? What are the blessings and hardships your family members have been experiencing?

Were you able to answer those questions with confidence in your answer? Sometimes, we can get so caught up in what is going on in our own lives that we forget to look around us, even at the people we are the closest to. You say, “Pastor, you don’t understand. I have all this going on in my life right now. I’m stressed at work, I have 3 kids at home, I...”
I get it. We are all busy. We all have a lot going on. But God is very clear in Philippians 2:4, “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

If you want God to use you, it means sometimes stopping what you are doing and looking around at others. What is going on in their lives? How can you help them? How can you pour into them?
I want you to think of someone in your life today that you need to check in on. Don’t just ask them if they are doing okay. Really find out what is going on in their life. It doesn’t mean you have to pry or be nosey; just ask them questions.

Everyone loves to talk about themselves. Check in on someone and let them talk about themself. Ask questions, ask how you can pray for them, and don’t turn the conversation back to you.
We all need to feel cared for. You never know who needs to hear from you, today. Just knowing you care might change someone’s whole world. What is happening around you? Are you tuned into the people in your life?

If not, I encourage you to take some time and ask God how you can spend more time interested in others. Trust me, building relationships and pouring into others is never a waste of time.

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