God’s Conditional Promises

"Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them." - John 14:21 
While God's unconditional promises are a testament to His unwavering faithfulness, His conditional promises remind us of our role in the divine partnership between God and humanity.

Sometimes, God gives us promises that are contingent on our response. These conditions may be related to our obedience, our faith, or our trust in Him. In order to receive these promises, we must align ourselves with His will and follow His commands.
Think about the promise of blessings for obedience found throughout Scripture. God promises to bless those who obey His commands, but this blessing is conditional upon their obedience. It's not that God is withholding His blessings, but rather, He desires for His people to walk in obedience and experience the fullness of His blessings.

Similarly, God's promise of salvation is conditional upon our faith in Jesus Christ. It's not enough to simply know about Jesus; we must believe in Him and trust that He is who He says He is. Only then can we experience the promise of eternal life.
So, if you find yourself not experiencing the promises of God, it's important to examine whether you have followed His conditions to reap the rewards. Have you been obedient to His commands? Have you trusted in His faithfulness and believed in His promises?

It's easy to blame God when we don't see His promises fulfilled in our lives, but oftentimes, the issue lies within us. We may have neglected to follow His conditions or have allowed doubt and unbelief to cloud our vision.
But here's the good news: God is gracious and merciful, and He stands ready to forgive and restore us when we repent and turn back to Him. So if you find yourself falling short of His conditions, humbly come before Him, confess your shortcomings, and recommit yourself to walking in obedience and faith.

For God is faithful, and His promises are true. When we align ourselves with His will and follow His conditions, we can trust that He will fulfill His promises in His perfect timing and according to His perfect plan.
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