He is Never Late

The Lord visited Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did to Sarah as he had promised. And Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age at the time of which God had spoken to him. - Genesis 21:1-2 
Have you ever felt like time was running out? Like the window of opportunity had closed, and God's promise was slipping away? If so, you're not alone. Even faithful servants like Abraham and Sarah experienced moments of doubt and uncertainty. But their story reminds us that God is never late; His timing is always perfect.

Imagine being Abraham and Sarah—longing for a child but growing old with each passing year. They had waited for decades, and still, God's promise seemed unfulfilled. Sarah had long since passed the age of childbearing, and Abraham was nearing a century old. It seemed impossible, even ludicrous, to imagine them having a child at such an old age.
Yet, just as He had promised, God proved Himself faithful. In Genesis 21, we read how Sarah miraculously conceived and gave birth to a son—a son whom they named Isaac, which means "he laughs." It was a joyous occasion—a testament to God's faithfulness and His ability to fulfill His promises in His perfect timing.

Abraham and Sarah's story serves as a powerful reminder that God's timing is never dictated by human limitations or circumstances. He operates outside the constraints of time and space, and His plans are not bound by our understanding or expectations.
I want to encourage you today, if you find yourself waiting for God's promise to be fulfilled, take heart. Trust in His perfect timing, even when it seems like time is running out. For just as He did for Abraham and Sarah, He will do for you. He is faithful to His word, and He will bring about His purposes in your life at just the right time.

As you wait, cling to the hope found in His promises. Remember that He is never late, and His timing is always perfect. And when the time comes for His promise to be fulfilled, you will rejoice and marvel at the goodness and faithfulness of our God, who is never too late to make the impossible possible.

1 Comment

Sharon Porter - June 7th, 2024 at 2:50pm

Dear Pastor Ed,

n Your Devotionals are a treasure that I hold close to my heart. When I find myself wondering if the Lord is listening to my prayers I can hear your teaching, "God is never late and He is always on time." Those words have given me so much comfort because they remind me of how faithful our Father is.

nThe sermons make a difference in all of our lives. They are impactful while always easy to comprehend and use them in our daily lives.

n🕊Blessings to you and your family!

nMuch love in Christ, 🙏❤️!!!

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