Adding Peace to Your Bag

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."- John 14:27 
Peace is one of those things we all crave, especially when life feels chaotic. But here’s the truth: the peace that God offers isn’t about having a trouble-free life. It’s not about everything falling into place exactly as you want. Just like joy, peace is not dependent on your circumstances. It’s a steady, unshakable calm that comes from trusting God, even when the world around you is in turmoil.

This peace is a gift from Jesus, one that the world can’t offer. It’s the kind of peace that allows you to rest in the midst of a storm, knowing that God is in control. When you add peace to your spiritual bag, you’re equipping yourself with something that doesn’t waver with the ups and downs of life. Instead, it anchors you, giving you a sense of security and calm that transcends any situation.
This is a common theme with the fruits of the Spirit. They aren’t about reacting to what’s happening around you; they’re about becoming the kind of person who reflects God’s character, no matter what. When you acquire these fruits—love, joy, peace, and others—they become natural displays of who you are in Christ, rather than emotional responses to your circumstances.

Is peace something you need to add to your bag today? Are you finding yourself tossed around by the worries and stresses of life? God is calling you to embrace His peace, a peace that doesn’t make sense to the world but makes perfect sense to those who trust in Him.
To cultivate this peace, start by focusing on God rather than the chaos around you. Spend time in His presence, remind yourself of His promises, and trust that He’s got everything under control. When you do, you’ll find that peace isn’t just a momentary feeling—it’s a constant presence in your life, guiding you and keeping your heart steady.

Don’t let the world dictate your peace. Instead, let God’s peace fill your heart and mind, becoming a natural part of who you are. When you do, you’ll not only experience peace in your own life, but you’ll also become a source of peace for others, reflecting God’s calm and steady love to a world that desperately needs it.
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