It’s Not the End

"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." - Philippians 1:6  
When life feels heavy, and it seems like everything is going wrong, it’s easy to feel like you’ve reached the end of the road. But there is an important truth to remember: if you’re still in the middle of it, it’s not the end. God hasn’t brought you this far just to leave you there. The middle is tough, but it’s only a season, not the final destination.

One of the most powerful things you can realize when you’re going through something difficult is that God allowed it. That means He has a purpose for it, and He’s already planned how He’s going to bring you through.  

The middle may feel like an eternity, but it’s just a period of time, and it will come to pass. God is still writing your story. If this were the end, you would know it. But the fact that you’re still in the middle is a reminder that God isn’t finished yet.
It’s easy to lose hope in the weeds of the middle, but the middle isn’t forever. The guarantee you can hold onto is that God will deliver you. Just like the seasons change, so will your circumstances. God promises to bring the good work He started in you to completion. That means He’s not going to leave you hanging. He’s going to carry you through whatever you’re facing, and He will bring you out on the other side, stronger, wiser, and more prepared for what’s next.

While you’re still stuck in the middle, it can feel like it’s going to last forever. But remember, God is in control of the timeline. He knows exactly how long this season will last and how He’s going to use it for your good. The middle isn’t a permanent place, it’s just a stage. And when God says it’s time, He will deliver you. You may not be able to see the end from where you are, but you can trust that it’s coming.
So don’t give up in the middle. God hasn’t left you, and He hasn’t forgotten you. What you’re going through will pass, and when it does, you’ll look back and see how He carried you through it. Keep your eyes on Him, knowing that the middle isn’t the end, and your deliverance is guaranteed. Stay faithful, stay patient, and trust that God is working even when you can’t see it. The middle may be hard, but the end is in His hands.

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