Anything Is Possible

"Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.'” – Matthew 19:26  
How often do you find yourself doubting what God can do? Maybe you’ve prayed for something but secretly thought, “I don’t think this will actually happen.” Or maybe you’ve set your expectations low, reasoning that it’s better to avoid disappointment. It’s easy to let your limited perspective shape what you believe is possible. But when you do, you’re not just limiting your expectations, you’re limiting your faith in God’s power.  

Jesus reminds us in Matthew 19:26 that nothing is impossible with God. The very situations that seem hopeless to us are opportunities for Him to display His greatness. But too often, we approach God with small faith, thinking He can only work within the bounds of what seems reasonable or likely to us. The reality is that God is ready and willing to do so much more than we can imagine, the only thing holding Him back is our lack of faith.  
Think about the stories in the Bible. God parted the Red Sea for Moses and the Israelites. He made the sun stand still for Joshua. He empowered David, a young shepherd, to defeat Goliath. Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead and fed thousands with just a few loaves and fish. In each of these moments, God did what seemed impossible, but it required faith from those involved. Faith that believed He could and faith that stepped out in trust.  
What about you? Are you living with bold faith, or are you playing it safe? Are you asking God for big things and trusting Him to do them, or are you limiting Him with small expectations? Ephesians 3:20 tells us that God is able to do “far more abundantly than all that we ask or think.” But that kind of power requires a faith that believes in His limitless ability.  

Don’t let your doubts or fears shrink your faith. Trust that God can do the impossible and believe that He is working in ways you cannot see. Step out boldly, pray confidently, and watch how He moves. With God, there is no limit to what He can accomplish in and through your life.
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1 Comment

Cory Elder - December 22nd, 2024 at 8:05am

Thank you Pastor Ed. I’m sure it’s a busy time for you guys too right now. I’m so grateful for Jesus showing up in the way He does because without Him it wouldn’t be like this. I get to be honest about my doubts but at the same time willing to believe in His grace. He continues to show me by showing up. I thought I had to have something to bring to the table in order for me to have this thing and really all I had to bring was honesty and willingness. Had a job these past few days that really took a toll to complete. Not only did it go well but when I got home and slept i had another one of those dreams I’ve had very few of where there is a lion walking around watching. Nothing special for anyone else but for me this has only happened twice now and means God is showing His strength. I not only receive strength, wisdom, and help from Him but also I receive faith itself. I think that is probably the most important out of everything.

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